A Link for the Liberal Loudmouths

by Shining One 50 Replies latest social current

  • chrissy
    How long would it take to find out whether there was an actual attack and not an accident, as many believed before the second plane hit the north tower?

    hm. i give up. how long? all i can say is i awoke that morning to the news via my clock radio and it jolted my ass out of bed in less than seven seconds.....

  • under74


    U74 - would you be so 'balanced' if it was your family member floating by as the cameras rolled? I was really hoping to see America pull together like it has before but for a few people out their its as if someone picked a scab and there a lot of nastiness oozing.

    You know what, I would want the world to see what my government's stonewalling did to my family member. BTW, America has pulled together but our government has not. Instead of the Bush Administration doing it's job they sat on their asses and watched people die. The common people however have been showing their best. We have a right to be angry with what's happened--in fact the whole world does.

    If you change your mind and decide to move to the US be sure to move to an upscale white area that's sure to get help if a disaster hits.

  • Check_Your_Premises


    Don't waste your time. You might as well walk into a KH and announce that the JW is a bunch of crap. Nobody will listen, and who the hell cares what they think anyway.


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hemp Lover,
    Are you really so cruel in your heart of hearts? I hope not. Even if you don't like the president's policies, you should respect him as a person who is our president and a imperfect man who has huge responsibility for all that he decides.
    Do we really need the dem libs taking potshots at all concerned when there is plenty of blame to go around? Have we sunk to this level: one where we ignore the great ways that average Americans are setting aside their differences in order to help our fellow citizens who need us? Anyone who makes political points off of this disaster is a cretin.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Did I say capitalism is perfect? Does it actually work better than communism/socialism? You must be blind not to see the answer to that. That was not my point. My point is that the agnostic world view leads to much more death and chaos than any religion ever has.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    "I hate GW Bush . If that man is a christian then I'm an astronaught . His administration wreaks of incompetence to the highest degree ."

    This is the problem: an attitude of hate. BTW, what knowledge of the situation do you have that enables you to judge 'incompetence', watching the evening news and listening to the knee-jerk libs who run much of the media?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Under 74,
    Please read the article and debate it's merits. Quit 'playing to the crowd' and engage in some honesty instead of rhetoric!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    "Did not really want to get dragged into another post attempting to educate some of our less free thinking American cousins over the pond, however this one takes the biscuit for uninformed comment.
    Bush has the backbone to take the war on terror to the enemy in Afghanistan. Are these the same Afghan's that in the 80's were trained, funded and armed by the US government?"

    Let's see. Reagan helped the muslim resistance gain their freedom. Some of these ones later created a state where terrorism flourished and the people were oppressed. They attacked our country and we took the war to them and helped THEIR OWN PEOPLE GAIN FREEDOM!

    "Is this the same murderous brute that was trained, funded and armed by the US government in the 80's?"

    Hussein was primarily supported by europeans you idiot. Politically we did not side against him because he was in a war against the same type of muslim we saw in the Taliban. BTW, how do you feel about the Van Gough muder?

    "Bush has backbone, democracy is starting to free people in the middle east"

    Exactly as I said above, the Palestinians, Afghans and Iraqis have fledgling democracies in place now. Are you blind?

    "Democratic in the American sense as in the case of the election rigging by Bush in Florida or Democratic in the Ukranian sense in that they protested against their rigged election and got the elction declared void."

    That is total idiocy. The SUPREME COURT decided that matter, and a liberal court at that!

    "Free as in the sort of freedom enjoyed in America whereby you cannot go outside for fear of getting shot, or free as in the European sense where in most places you can safely let your kids play outside unattended."

    Yes, I can do just that as well as the great majority of my fellow citizens. Perhaps you would like to try life in Iran, North Korea, Sudan or a slew of other countries?

    "Christian as in the case of Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, General Franco and all the South American military dictators that were trained, funded and armed by the US government in the 60-70's."

    Mussonlini was one sick individual who had mafioso style power and his own countrymen executed him, just like the fate of Saddam. Have you studied history at all? Hitler and his regime were evolutionists who saw the elimination of jews and others to be part and parcel with 'survival of the fittest'!

    "Capitalism (as opposed to Socialism and Communism) has found a nifty way of getting around those inconvenient anti slavery laws dating back from the civil war. Why not export the slavery."

    Idiotic and pointless rhetoric.

    "1/ Lend a third world country money for development in exchange for lowering of trade barriers/ Export cheap rice to the third world country3/ The bottom falls out of the subsistance rice gowing economy4/ Hike up the rice prices just a little5/ Wait till the country is on the verge of starvation6/ Farmers mass migrate to the towns in search of food7/ Open up a Nike Factory to take advantage of cheap labour8/ Provide housing for the grateful employees, who under the banner of freedom, democracy and capitalism have the luxury of a small room to house their entire family, a toilet for every 20 families, their own light bulb and an 18 hour working day in conditions that would be illegal back home."

    This is an amazing display of generalizations that lack any foundation in facts. I posted a link for you to comment on, not spew vitrolic rhetoric. Stick to the original link and quit grandstanding.

    "How I look forward to the day when we here in Europe can enjoy the sweet joy of freedom and Democracy American Style"

    Lets see, our unemployment is at less than 6%, what is it in France and Germany, you ignorant bugger? I bet you stood and cheered when the Trade Centers fell, didn't you? Hmm, there is a lot of muslim immigration into Europe now. In twenty years you secularists will be facing Sharia law, perhaps?
    I guess America will be who you turn to to bail you out (Again!). LOL

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    "perhaps you could give us some background on yourself, including your education as well as your professional achievements. Then we can assess your comments with the appropriate level of scrutiny."

    What a telling statement by a liberal! Did I perhaps commit crime-thought and Big Brother needs to see if I am politically correct? LOL Colin Powell is one of the most honest, intelligent and moderate politicians in our country and he refuses to run for public office due to this type of environment in the media. You guys would fit right into the Pink Floyd scenario of "Another Brick in the Wall". You are also in the midst of a disturbing trend toward the nightmare of "1984".

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Check Your Premises!

    >Don't waste your time. You might as well walk into a KH and announce that the JW is a bunch of crap. Nobody will listen, and who the hell cares what they think anyway.


    Well said! I just love to show them that their cozy little land of liberalism is a joke and they are the fools who believe in it!

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