Very Bad Apologetics For Honest Seekers

by AlanF 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    All three threads (I finally completed the rounds and read through all of the posts) are extremely informative and some of the best examples of raw, unplugged, human entertainment, the kind you can only get here at JWD.

    I really needed the humor and thank all of you for the information and for the fun. Excellent stuff!

  • Quentin

    Is there a God?...hmm...can't prove it...Does it matter? belive, or you don't...simple...

  • Terry
    Is there a God?...hmm...can't prove it...Does it matter? belive, or you don't...simple...

    Which is precisely why I refuse to become Atheist. An Agnostic DOESN'T KNOW! That isn't a positive assertion of something unfounded and unprovable. Whereas, if you assert God Exists (believer) you need to base it on "something". If you are Atheist, you assert there isn't and you have to prop that up too.

    I'm staying on the fence until I have either a visitation with divine light or I'm struck dead by a thunderbolt.

    Until then, I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!


  • AlanF

    Utopian Reformist said:

    : All three threads . . . are extremely informative and some of the best examples of raw, unplugged, human entertainment, the kind you can only get here at JWD.

    We aim to please and amuse.

    I admit that there's much to be amused about when dealing with religious fanatics. Much like dealing with Flat-Earthers.


  • OldSoul

    Alan F,

    Thank you very much for that labor. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    A few extra notes:

    Time only exists as a concept, it is not real. It technically did have a beginning, in that time represents the perceived period between the occurence of two events. A period of time can only be referenced between events and is apparently relative to perspective. The first occasion on which a period between occurrences was perceived, time began.

    Motion may or may not exist. We perceive it to exist and will continue to act as though it does, so any arguments along the lines of its non-existence become a moot argument immediately.

    I am glad you address infinity as a futile argument for the existence of God. Anyone who has even dabbled in Calculus understands that infinite numbers are parts of whole numbers, infinite slices of matter have volume/mass, circles are practically made of infinity and exist anyway, etc.

    Using this sort of argument is very common and impossible to substantiate. I have played at it on this forum when requested. I have seen no scientific argument for the existence of God, I doubt I ever will.

    I am fully aware that I believe in the existence of God without a scientific argument to defend that belief. I am content with that, as I see evidence in thousands of realities every day that science does not explain everything that is real.

    There is no scientific proof for the existence of respect, honor, love, trust, hate, disgrace, etc. Science will never prove the existence of such things, but I believe these are realities without proof.


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    You still won't leave your comfy home to debate any real scholars. You still make the same excuses and hurl the same insults. I don't need to.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Terry,
    >I'm staying on the fence until I have either a visitation with divine light or I'm struck dead by a thunderbolt

    Good for you! I'm totally serious about that. There is hope, take a look at John 9 or Acts 9. BTW, did you know that Martin Luther gave his life to God when he was almost struck by lightning? I think that is so cool. God Bless.

  • jgnat

    There are very specific bible admonitions not to argue with fools. I believe Alan F is exercising appropriate discretion.

  • Cygnus

    hey Terry, I describe myself as an agnostic, not so much that I don't know (I could be agnostic about a lot of things I certainly believe in but don't understand), but that I simply don't care....... that's as mild as I can state it.

    The question of whether the judaic-christian god exists is an absurd one to me and I don't need to read a lot of books on any topic to reach that conclusion.

  • Daunt

    I am essentially agnostic myself, the contemporary view of agnostic not the pure definition of the word. Mainly I'm not interested in religion at all, but it is ignorant to say there is no God just as much as I can say there is no Santa. But I'm open for suggestions, would actually be interesting to live a rational religious lifestyle if there was something besides emotion pulling us towards it.

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