Very Bad Apologetics For Honest Seekers

by AlanF 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlanF

    : Poisoning the well again?

    LOL@Rex! You're completely clueless. Why not, "post hoc, propter hoc"? Or "ex post facto"? They make as much sense as your comment does. What a fruit!


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    I feel badly for you, Alan. Some day your arrogance will catch up to you. I hear that it already has and I don't wish to air that at all. Some dark day you realize what you have done to others who come here to heal then leave with nihilistic ideas and no hope. Perhaps you will then gain some humility.
    People don't 'run' from you or any of that rot. You imagine yourself some clever debater and scholar. The reality is this: you are a run of the mill skeptic who happens to inhabit your own little kingdom. You are the one who would be laughed at if you actually took on any real scholars. It’s so easy to play 'armchair quarterback' and take potshots at people who don't even know you exist. You were challenged to try and stand in a fair forum with agreed upon guidelines and you refused to leave here to do so. You can never admit to being wrong, instead you increase your antagonism and arrogance.
    As long as I have cast doubts in some people who were ready to leave faith behind, I have done what God intended me to do!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    The Great Brain spews the typical line of reasoning from die=hard naturalists: >Of course. Macro-evolution is equivalent to speciation. Who has made this assertion and is it accepted and proven theory? >We know of a number of examples of fairly recent speciation. For example, when the Americas were first colonized by Europeans, a species of fruit fly that in Europe colonized only the fruit of the mulberry tree came along for the ride. Eventually it split into two separate, non-interbreeding and non-interacting species -- one that continued to colonize mulberry trees and another that colonized only apple trees. Isn't this 'speciation' actually a 'speculation'? LOL >In the Hawaiian islands, in a few million years, fruit flies have diversified from one or a few founding species into more than 800 species that are found nowhere else in the world. What???? Who was around to document this? LOL. Is this another 'proof' or more 'speculation on speciation'? >In various large African lakes like Lake Victoria, cichlid fishes have diversified from a few founding species to many hundreds in the various lakes in a few million years. Again, in a 'few million years'. Wow, it looks like 'scientists' like you have more problem with numbers than the Hebrews did! Man, this is so unbelievable. Evolutionists pin all of their hopes and speculation on millions and billions of years. How did these fishes originate? Oh, I forgot, they just appeared in some great leap of evolution all of a sudden but 'millions' of years ago. How convenient! LOL >Now, of course, I know that what you really mean is, "has any scientist actually observed macro-evolution in a laboratory?" And of course, the answer is No, because what some people term "macro-evolution" doesn't act that fast. Point, MATCH, set. HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE FOR NATURALISTS WHO HAVE FAITH IN EVOLUTION! >But the fact that it's observed in the far larger laboratory of nature proves that evolution does occur. And that the distinction between "micro" and "macro" is an artificial one that in reality does not exist. Right, it happens, we can't prove it, we can assert it, we can't measure it, we can't observe it, it just happens. Just believe us because we are scientists and we alone can interpret the facts of origins. No one else can do so unless they go by our presuppositions! That sounds like the Watchtower Society!!! Rex

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Sorry about the bad formatting here on the last post. Please see my new thread in the 'Beliefs' section for a easier to read reply.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    I'm sorry you had to resort to personal attacks, Dave. No, I am not offended. Look at it this way: When you are kicked by a jack-ass there is no need to be angry. The beast is just being true to his nature! LOL

  • AlanF

    Please do keep it up, Rex. You sound worse all the time, and eventually you'll just have to disappear again, out of embarassment.


  • Pole

    :Poisoning the well again?
    More like poisoning the cesspit ;-)
    :I feel badly for you, Alan. Some day your arrogance will catch up to you. I hear that it already has and I don't wish to air that at all. Some dark day you realize what you have done to others who come here to heal then leave with nihilistic ideas and no hope. Perhaps you will then gain some humility.
    Shining One (Is that an abbreviation for Lucifer,or what, BTW?;-)),
    Don't you think this statement shows that you have some emotional investment in those debates?

  • AlanF

    Shining Brain said:

    : I feel badly for you, Alan. Some day your arrogance will catch up to you. I hear that it already has and I don't wish to air that at all.

    Well please do air your concerns, so that all readers may benefit.

    I have nothing to hide from anyone, and you have my permission to air whatever it is that you've heard.

    Of course, if it turns out that your silly insinuations are just that, you're going to be mightily embarrassed.

    Of course, you're just blowing smoke, as usual.

    But let's see how this works out.


  • Hellrider

    Shining One:

    Just one thing: AlanF wrote a good article, logically arguing against the creationists. But what have you done? You just show up, basically telling him he`s an idiot, and then you just piss off? What`s up with that? You`ve posted a lot of replies in this thread alone, but not one of them has even had anything to do with the content of his article?

    HR (and I`m not even an atheist, I`d even consider myself religious, some days...I just don`t think you can prove Gods existence logically/philosophically, that`s all)

  • Terry
    Oh my, aren’t we witty, Terry? Intellectual idiocy runs close to the surface here. You smug elitists are in a class of delusion deeper than any 'Bible thumpers'. You create parameters that you insist everyone else must adhere to. They are built on your own presuppositions and NO MORE VALID than any other claimed 'belief system'. When others insist on more reasonable and fair parameters for debate, you start crying and spout intellectual snobbery, which intimidates some but not all.

    If you don't want to believe in the facts that you see before your eyes, so be it. As long as I keep reaching people that want to believe (here and in daily life), I am going to keep preaching it. Just like the apostle Paul, I will gladly be thought a fool if it saves one more soul from the pit of hell!


    To dream the impossible dream....

    to fight the unbeatable foe.....

    to strive with your last ounce of courage..

    to reach the unreachble stars....

    That is your quest, to follow that star..

    no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.


    It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, oh Knight of the Woeful Countenance!


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