New member of the Governing Body from Australia

by jwfacts 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Lets not forget too that books meant to bring people "IN" do not always reflect the reality. It seems there are three levels of information and rules

    1. info for potential converts (which always leaves out crucial info)
    2. info that in writing makes the JWs appear to be more for personal autonomy than they really are
    3. the real info - sculpted from the elders manuals

    Look who in the WTS?GB has a bulk of the power. Look who wants greater control and believes that to control you must use fear. It isn't the younger gentler GB member who will set the rules. It will still be the old guard. Remember this is a top down org. And that will never change

  • Ticker

    This Organisation may become so hardline, so tight, it will one day snap and schism. This isn't very uncommon with high control groups and cults. They become so hard line and paranoid over time that either bad things result(Jim Jones, etc), they schism into offshoots, or they downright implode(WWCOG, etc). I don't think this would happen for sometime but I think it is innevidible someday. They can't last forever as they have painted themselves in a corner with time lines, and some day must make radical doctrinal changes. As always they will hold out to the end possibly but who knows what the next few years may hold.

    Blondie mentioned tithing, and as this would not go over the easiest I can see it being possible. They would have some new light moment and some twisted scripture to back up the rightness to now put tithes on the R and F. Money is the main focus, through and through whether they themselves realize it or not.


  • Neo

    Read more about the new GB members in the thread: The 12-Member Governing Body - Pics, info and analysis on the new additions.

  • Neo

    By the way, here you have his pic:


  • jwfacts

    I hadnt realised this thread had lived on. There are some amazing thoughts in here.

    When i said the new book is softer, i mean that it hedges a lot of things to make it appear nice to the reader. The way it says what was expected to happen in 1914, everything is worded very carefully so that no one can easily accuse them of lieing.

    I guess i just live in hope of change because my family are all refusing to pull their heads out of the sand. I do believe that the internet will have a rapidly growing detrimental affect on the Org. The internet will soon be used continually be almost everyone and more witnesses will have to stumble on "the truth." I can only see this as being beneficial for those that truly want truth. Unfortunately for those that are left, this could leave a far higher percentage of hardliners in the organisation.

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