* Please Read Oct 1st WT –A WHOLE article about the dangers or university *

by truthseeker 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    "Haven't these a**holes found out about online degrees?"

    They did, it's just that if they encourage their members to go online, they'll lose them.

  • heathen

    What they forgot was the part where jesus said you will go to hell for getting a higher education . Apparently it's ok to go to law school so you can argue over technicalities but by God if you want to be physics major you are doomed . I couldn't even make it through the whole article as posted .......

    I don't even see the WTBTS providing proper living quarters for their publishers and pioneers . early chistians actually lived together sharing everything including food . It's just not feesible to live under those conditions these days . Those that were preaching the good news were exspected to die as martyrs so they didn't prepare any type of retirement facilities for anybody, however they were instructed to look after widows and orphans . Oh it's great to get people selling publications and raising money while washing windows to survive without even providing transportation . Not even a lousy church bus ..........................................

  • minimus

    Is this new lite, old lite, new lite again??

  • RunningMan

    This should be interesting. My son starts university in a couple weeks. My mother is coming to visit tomorrow. I wonder if she will bring along a copy of the article?

  • willyloman

    Un-freaking-believable. They've come full circle. Again. This is gonna cost them.

  • jgnat

    The "new light" of the WTBTS.

  • DannyHaszard

    Robbed of my education

    Undaunted Danny has a seventh grade education as a DIRECT result of the 1975 false prophecy.

    Got a medical exemption from school at age 14 i was too sick to sit in a classroom due to unrelenting ulcerative colitis.

    Didn't pursue it any further on account of the 1975 panacea.

    Results 1 - 40 of about 22,200 for " danny haszard You see this watchtower i am a fast learner!


    Watchtower Whistleblower: Danny Haszard Bangor Maine Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo

  • willyloman


  • cypher50

    I visit this site less & less frequently because it is easier for me to transition to a "normal" life by not focusing on JWs but this whole article evokes feelings of anger and laughter at the same time... First of all, they always conveniently mention how Jesus sacrificed chance of career for the greater good...did they somehow miss Paul being a tentmaker? And the hilarious way they demonize college by having frat articles is ridiculous because the vast majority of college kids are at college to learn while the real party kids eventually drop out usually. This is just a very transparent attempt by the Society to regain control of a segment of youths (ambitious, intelligent, long-term thinking)who are smart enough to see that Armeggedon didn't exactly happen in their parents' & grandparents' lifetime so they rather plan for retirement then for a paradise earth.

  • Gill

    Hi Truthseeker. Funnily enough I had a sort of argument about this article with my father last week. He insisted that ALL people who went to university were taking drugs, getting drunk and having sex with EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, in the university. He couldn't accept that commonsense would lead him to realise that even if a minority of students were attempting this, the majority would NOT.

    And there's the problem with being a JW. If it's in the Watchtower it must have slipped out of God's mouth as an unalterable fact.

    Bloody morons, those JWs!

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