Your thoughts about Wal-mart

by desbah 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • foreword

    LOL @ evilforce...

    I can't blame people for shopping there because of the prices but personally I totally boycott them or anyone who resembles a sweat shop outfit such as wal mart.

    I used to go there a few years back...the thing that irked me was the poor retire at the front having to say.."welcome at wal mart"...a thousand times in a's not like if I'm shopping at Macy's.

    to the people of Jonquiere, Quebec.

  • tetrapod.sapien


  • desbah

    LOL at Trader that store reminds me of tree hugging, dog loving, dope smoking, organic fruits and veggie ppl. I like to shop there.

    now back to evil wally world...I can't help shopping there, the prices are good, cleaning supplies are dirt cheap and my hubby likes to get his tighty whites there and my son goes straight for the x-box and playstation area.

    but my daughter hates the way wally world censor's the music there and will not step foot in that place, she doesn't like how they drive all the other stores out of town and how anti-union they are. Plus she's still pissed off at wally world for giving all that money to W so he can get re-elected again.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Walmart ran out the last grocery store in our town. Now it is the only place to shop. This is a very depressed area. But you can drive 23 miles across the Red River to Texas, and shop with no tax on groceries and, get this, CHEAPER PRICES. They have competition, and a higher class of customer. .09 on canned dog food . .75 on ice cream . .34 on hamburger helper. etc... I don't think there should be this much difference in prices. Why do they charge the poor people more?

    I refuse to buy ANOTHER phone, shreader, or any electronic equipment from Walmart. Yet with all of my grumbling about Walmart, you will probably find me at the local one, because its all that is left here. And our town needs the tax revenue. Lord knows food stamp customers don't pay any. HL

  • luna2

    I don't like shopping there either. We don't have a super splendiforous Walfart here...the kind with a mega super grocery as well as a mega super junk store. Our's is just a regular one. Still, I will occassionally darken its door if I happen to be passing and need something desperately.

  • lonelysheep
    I try my absolute best never to shop there. But about once a year I find myself stuck going there.....always fun watching the red necked, inbred, trailer trash, obese pigs, bitch at the clerk because the NASCAR T-shirt they wanted to buy only comes in 4XL as the largest size instead of the 5XL they need and proceed to checkout with 12 cases of soda and sure....they need "sports" drinks because their fat asses think that the walk from the pickup truck to the front door is a marathon event.


  • hmike

    I've boycotted them since the big supermarket strike. I have many issues with them.

    I wonder what Sam would think of today's Walmart.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Tetragod, retail is a Darwinian system if there ever was one. If nature selects Wal-Mart for extinction then it will cease to exist leaving only fossil remains for future retail historians to study, it not it could quite possibly become the dominant retail form on the planet. Ponder that as we rocket into the 22nd century.

  • thom

    The only time I go to Wal-Mart is when I happen to be with someone who ends up taking me there. I never go on my own for many of the reasons already mentioned. I prefer Target for similar type stuff.
    ---"shop at Trader Joe's together as all good homo's should :)"---
    Uh, I love shopping at Trader Joe's. Is there something about myself I don't know? I think I like girls, really, I do! I think...

  • Princess
    Hey Princess or other Washingtonian, has Wal-Mart expanded beyond Renton since I Iast visited? I couldn't believe how late it was coming to the Puget Sound area.

    Yep. One in Lynnwood, just off I-5. SuperWal-Mart in Marysville...just off I-5. Also one in Chehalis about 100 miles south of Seattle also on I-5. Those are the only ones I know about. I happily avoid all of them.

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