I'm an ex-dub as of tonight.

by Pole 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pole

    Yes - it really feels great where I am now. BTW, are you fond of barbarians? ;-) (my new avatar :-)
    Yes I have just thought of the "closure thing". It's wonderful to imagine that from now on when I meet a camera man in the street I can give a short interview voicing my political views. LOL. But I understand your situation, and I did consider a similar option (fading + moving away) at a time.
    DY, and GGG
    At some point I felt so deeply trapped in the WTS that I wished I had been born into another family and that my mother would never have learnt "the TROOF". I have made huge progress from that point. Today I was able to talk peacefully with a WTS policeman about no longer wanting to be a witness. You can go that way too. I wouldn't worry about "friends". Their friendship is usually totally conditional. And you can always make better "worldly" friends. Family is a more tricky issue, but my plan B was if my wife, mother, and step-mother shun me, it won't change my mind about leaving anyway. Luckily plan A worked almost perfectly. Everybody can go ahead with Plan B if Plan A fails. I wholeheartedly recommend that. It's just better for your mental health in the long run. Till then, don't give up.
    Yeah, it's so good to make your own rules.


  • xjwms


    I wish you only good things.

  • IP_SEC

    Hurrah Pole! Good job man.

    My deeped congrats to you.


  • Pole

    Thanks xjwms and IP_SEC.
    I remember when you PM'd me to send the ISO file. I was afraid to give you the server address for fear of being identified by some undercover WTS agent. Happily you've turned out to be a good-hearted apostate ;-)
    BTW, my real first name is Piotr

  • kls
    BTW, my real first name is Piotr

    Hi Piotr ,glad to meet ya . I can't say your name so i will have to keep calling you Pole, but hi and enjoy what freedom brings

  • Pole

    No problem, kls. Piotr stands for Peter. I'm fine with my screen name too. It usually provokes people to make dirty jokes.


  • kls
    No problem, kls. Piotr stands for Peter. I'm fine with my screen name too. It usually provokes people to make dirty jokes.

    Ya know , i actually thought it stood for Peter and as for me provoking dirty jokes Well you know i would never think of such a thing

    The name that really gets me is the race car driver Dick Trickle. Now that first name i would leave Richard.

  • IP_SEC
    I was afraid to give you the server address for fear of being identified by some undercover WTS agent.

    LOL!!! I checked out the IP you gave me first to make sure you were from where you said you were from. "

    Ok well the IP is reged in Poland at the ***** of Warsaw (or something like that) ok I sure hope he's legit"

    I'm glad you turned out to be a good hearted apostate too.

  • misanthropic

    "BTW, are you fond of barbarians? ;-) (my new avatar :-"
    Yes, yes I am......but only when they are incredibly intelligent ones!

  • dedpoet

    congratulations Pole, welcome to freedom. i did the same thing last week, and my da was read out last night.being out of the borg is the best feeling i've had in years

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