I'm an ex-dub as of tonight.

by Pole 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • ignored_one


    I'm sure defd and Schizm are both secretly envious of you.

    Ignored One.

  • Pole

    ignored one,

    I'm sure defd and Schizm are both secretly envious of you.

    They are both truly great thinkers. They'll arrive at the same conclusion. lol
    I'm not sure if writing a letter is still possible. I'm getting a phoce call confirming my df-ing later tonight.
    But guess what. I've just realized I still haven't returned the keys to the KingDumb Hall. (I used to be a ministerial servant until some two years ago when I stepped down.) So I'll have at least an excuse to contact them again.

  • misanthropic

    Very inspiring Pole, I won't say more because I'm trying very hard not to shamelessly flirt with you. But that is very cool to hear your at a good place now.

  • Sassy

    I hope this gives you some closure. I personally haven't officially told the brothers that I quit although I haven't been there in almost 3 yrs and I moved, so they do not know where I am any longer..

    Sometimes I think it would be easier to just let them know I am done but then I think why go through the stress.. that is for them, not me. I dont' need to live by their rules any more..

    but sometimes I think it would give me more closure.. and part of me is envious of you

  • GoingGoingGone

    Congratulations! Your post was encouraging to me... I'm in the process of leaving, and right now I would dread being cut off from my family and friends. Your being so at peace with it, makes me think that maybe someday I will feel the same way, when in that situation.



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Congratulations Pole!

    I look forward to that point in my life.


  • thom

    Congratulations! I'm glad to hear things went smoothly and the elder seemed to at least be polite to you.

    --"For instance, he said without access to the UN library the watchtower wouldn't have been able to produce such good articles for Awake!"--
    So then when I was doing work for the U.S. Navy to feed my family, it was ok then? Then why did I get so much grief for it? Oh, that's right, different rules for the FDS and the rest of us.

  • Honesty

    Pole, You Rule!!!!

    Welcome to your first day of freedom from the demon cult.

    Just think, in 26 years you can look back and say, "They really were lying about all that doomsday crap".

    And half the dubs you know now will be reaping their rewards for denying Christ.

  • MerryMagdalene

    SWEEEEEEEEEET ! ! ! Congratulations!

    he said without access to the UN library the watchtower wouldn't have been able to produce such good articles for Awake! So I asked him: "How have they managed to write such resplendent articles after 2001?" And "is this why Awake is going monthly?" I don't think he got the irony.

    That is good...that is SO good...ROFLMAO


  • skyman

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