End of a Friendship

by Dragonlady76 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    That is just wrong! He is really messed up, geez, I hope you can see how this religion twists people's minds!



  • JH

    Whenever I lose a good friend, It takes many years for me to get over it. I'm the type that gets attached to and never wants to stop loving.

  • kwintestal

    One night I told my best friend from early high school to mid-twenties that I was doubting the JW religion, and told him what it was I doubted at a bar we went to. We left that bar, and then he never contacted me again. I'd call, and he'd not answer or return the call. I'd email, no response. I'd stop by his apartment and he wouldn't answer the door. 3 months later, I saw his mom who I had helped move only a few months earlier (and I was the only one who showed up to help) and she said, "Oh, hi." and turned her head and walked away. That's when I knew our friendship was over, on his end anyway.

    I saw him today walking along the street. As I drove past, I wanted to stop ... but couldn't.


  • Scully

    ((( DL )))

    I think I know what you mean. Same kind of thing happened to me not that long ago. And no matter how "nicely" and "honestly" the other person who is ending the friendship tries to be about it, or whatever excuse they try to use to do it, it's still a tough thing to go through.

    I tell myself that it's more about them than it is about me, and that a real and valued friendship wouldn't dissolve that way. That a real friendship that is valued by both parties would be something worth putting the effort into saving, rather than being tossed in the trash like a houseplant that withered from lack of watering and sunlight.

    I also remind myself that online friendships can evaporate way more easily than IRL ones. All it takes is a click of a mouse and you can be on someone's ignore list or blocked or have your e-mail diverted to the spam filter, and you may never find out why.

    Luv ya, Scully

  • Dragonlady76
    I tell myself that it's more about them than it is about me, and that a real and valued friendship wouldn't dissolve that way. That a real friendship that is valued by both parties would be something worth putting the effort into saving, rather than being tossed in the trash like a houseplant that withered from lack of watering and sunlight.

    Scully, that's the way I see it as well, friendships are not supposed to be one sided or I hang out with you when I'm bored or having nothing better to do.

    I guess lately it seems like several of my friends have dropped out of sight IRL and cyber. They all have issues going on in their lives right now, *marital,$,etc* but isn't that what a real friend is there for, to help you through the hard times? I just hate to being shot down, not knowing what went wrong, what changed or why their life has become so overwhelming that they can't come and talk to me about it. It leaves me frustrated, sad and feeling used.


  • Preston

    People suck.

    - Preston

  • Sassy

    I lost a friend over night too.. (well of course tons when I left the WTS) but aside from that.. I lost my best friend for years.. just one day. never saw it hit me and sure never understood it

  • Dimples

    Yes, but then I think, were they really truly a friend? If they can just walk out and not say why...I don't think they were truly a friend to begin with.


  • Es

    I hear you both, Dragonlady and Billygoat, Im the same i have lost some really good friendships along the way, and i know that some of them was due to my inability to be confronting and just get off my chest what annoyed me bout that person. But i think too i have the personality that i just move on, its almost like if i spend too much time with people there traits and personality really start to aggrovate me to the point I cant be round them, and i know thats my bad and i just should be patient but its just so hard. Maybe talk to your friend Dragonlady see what the deal is, but if your anything like me a scarredy cat you just leave it alone. es

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