Do they allow internet at bethel?

by freedom96 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    With so much apostate stuff on the net it is more than likely that they will try to monitor and control the bethel boys, after all commercial companies do monitor their staff electronically for other reasons eg to make sure that they work, and that they don't pass sensitive info to outsiders.

  • Honesty

    An independent thinking dub could always use a laptop in his room and war drive. I'm sure there are plenty of line-of-sight AP's in Brooklyn running 24/7.

  • LouBelle

    perhaps they have intranet (i think that's what it is) when you have access to sites related to your company.

    ungaas (zulu for I don't know) but you don't spell it that way.

  • Emma
    i doubt their equipment is very sophisticated

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was very sophisiticated. While the R&F live off wages of window washers, the honchos pretty much have whatever they want. I don't believe anything they buy is second-rate. I also believe that if there's a way to monitor, it's done.

    Emma, of the completely sceptical class

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Sorry mate but this is a major B.S.

    gee that's a nice thing to say, zagor. don't hold back, y'hear?

    You don't have to be overly smart these days to write a spyware or a Trojan-horse that will do exactly that. In fact, that's exactly what most of those things actually do do.

    on the topic of internal network security, why on earth would anyone put software (trojan) on individual computers, when every corporation has a couple of gateways that are easy to log and manage from a central position in the network? and for your information, even the computers running the trojans (if one were infected from another source) would still be under the auspices of the gateway loggers. they could be sending tonnes of spams even, and it would all be logged.

    so, sorry mate, but no, it's not BS at all.

  • IP_SEC

    IP packet sniffers, HTTP sniffers, cached DNS resolvers, Oh ya they can monitor and do I'm sure. Are there ways around it? Yes, I've heard some 'lites pay for private dialup access.

    The org also engenders a climate of FUD. That in itself is a powerful too.

    A 'lite would be a fool to access taboo sites from beth'el's Intranetwork.

    Any 'lites on JWD are welcome to PM me if they are on here... I'd be astounded to know how many of you there are.

    Your confidence will be my 1st priority.

  • zagor

    That's ok Tetrapod but have a look in what context I've said it.

    [quote]only that an ex friend of ours (still JWs) his son at bethel got his dad a laptop but put on it the software that the son can monitor where he goes on the internet all the way from bethel!!! Yes, across many state lines. This kid is in the computer department. So if he's monitoring his own dad, you can just imagine how they are monitoring the bethel family.[/quote]

    i work in network security for a very large corporation and what you describe doesnt seem likely. perhaps the software logs where he goes and then the son can check it later or something. as far as bethel goes i'm sure they have a proxy server that logs everything and blocks content based on categories but whoever manages can get around it if they want to and i doubt their equipment is very sophisticated, i'm sure its not hard to bypass if someone were so inclined and i wouldnt be surprised if certain people had unlimited access, for research of course.

    Joyzabel said first part than Pwned commented the second part and my comment was only there to reinforce Joyzabel that such a story is by no means improbable. We are not talking here about monitoring corporation (even though that would be feasible too) but individual user. So ordinary spyware would do. All that guy in bether would have to have would be a small server program that would receive list of all sites, cookies, and even keystrokes if it is sophisticated enough. He'd probably have to have a permanent IP address to do that. But if he worked at computer dept. as the story goes he could have easily used WTBS servers to do it. And since he might also have access to logs he can make sure to cover his own track. Not hard to imagine, good hackers do even better job than that.

    So yes, complete B.S.

  • Euphemism

    My last knowledge of this comes from Bethelite friends back in '02 or '03. At the time, Bethel had an intranet, which all the computers were connected to. However, this network was not connected to the Internet.

    If you wanted to use the Internet, you had two options:

    1. Use your own computer, in your own room, over a dial-up connection. A lot of the Bethelites had laptops.

    2. Use a bank of dedicated Internet workstations, which were not connected to the regular internal network.

    I don't know whether the Internet workstations were proxied and logged, but I would certainly expect them to be. Bethel didn't exercise any control over the Bethelites' own personal computers, however.

  • Pwned
    So yes, complete B.S.

    Dude relax, I hadnt thought of it in that way. I guess I was thinking more of like a remote proxy.

  • Pwned

    anyone know their ip address range?

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