Cats a JW no-no?

by Confession 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dustin

    I knew there was no way it was true. It is funny though, because that's how the governing body of losers thinks. I always find it funny that no matter how stupid their ideas are, they always think they are right. Then they get gullible people to think it's God's idea.

  • ButtLight

    I guess im in trouble then, I have two cats, and one just had a litter of 3!

  • greendawn

    It is really absurd what he wrote but it makes an interesting study in WTS logic because it is exactly in that mold, like know-all-bitches they really know how to demonise something.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    rebel8 - lovely template darling, just lovely. Sounds sooooooooo like them.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    if anyone managed to sneak this into a watchtower as a real article, many jw's would not be giving their cats away, but throwing them out because they wouldn't want anyone else to have such a false-religious-origined pet to be owned by even a worldly person. and that, i believe, is the point. that if it were in the WATCHTOW-WHORE, it would be accepted by all "lovers of Jehovah"


  • M.J.

    Great parody.

    I've heard even more damning biblical ammo against dogs. It would be great if someone wrote a WTS article on how evil dogs are. Lots of arbitrary "biblical prohibitions" you can make up can have more biblical backing than some of the silly WTS prohibitions.

    Oh yeah check out this one--a real article from a different cult on the evils of wearing makeup:

  • hillbilly
    Who is FRED HALL?

    Look Fred Hall up in the members listing then peruse some of his old postings. He had issues with cats until he got banned for going after an abuse victim.

    He was a nut case


  • undercover

    Speaking of seems that I remember someone pointing out that all mentions of dogs in the Bible are negative.

    Using the logic as used for that since the only two mentions of birthday parties was negative, b-days are wrong, then since all the mentions of dogs are negative, owning a dog would be wrong, WT-logically speaking of course

  • Panda

    Undercover, "It's better to be a live dog than a dead lion." Proverbs somewhere.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Its a damn shame this isn't for real, my wife loves cats. I have brought up other things to her that I learned from here in the hopes that it would open her eyes, but nothing has worked. I bet she would chuck every watchtower in the house if this were true, and I showed it to her, then offered to bring her home a kitten. *sigh*

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