Cats a JW no-no?

by Confession 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confession

    I stumbled across what appears to be a website maintained by a JW Circuit Overseer. On it he includes what looks like a Question From Readers. It has very strong things to say about the 'beastliness' of cats--and why Christians should consider whether or not it is proper to have them in our homes. Have you ever seen this before?

  • minimus

    This is faux.

  • orion

    If he's going to go there then he should make a list of all the other thing JW's do that are "improper" wearing a ring on your ring finger has a pagan origin............They just have to nit pick at everything don't they

    Proud owner of a black cat

  • sixsixsixtynine

    Yes, that's true. No pussies for the Witnesses.

  • hillbilly

    Fred Hall lives!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    As soon as I saw -

    the original Koine Greek is

    I knew I couldn't take it seriously....

  • daystar

    This is the sort of ridiculous pseudo-logic that drives me nuts.

    First, let us consider what most scholars agree is the etymology (word derivation) for the English term 'cat'. When analyzed with the Latin 'felis cattus domesticus', the original Koine Greek is ' huma bes-tia', means 'a contemporary housecat with all of its beastly identifying characteristics and behavior.' A faithful servant of Jehovah would quickly notice that the nature of a cat is so marked as being 'beastly'. The Bible makes clear reference to this condition when describing parts of Satan's organizations, both past and present. For instance, consider the fearsome 'beasts' as described in the book of Daniel or the 'scarlet colored wild beast' in Rev. 17:3. The demons entered the swine when rebuked by Jesus showing the potential harm and malevolent spirit control to which a Christian may be potentially exposed. Lest we forget the story of Nebuchadnezzar and the condition of God's enemy when being humbled by Jehovah, the student of God's Holy word would ask - is it by accident that the Bible in the book of Daniel describes his experience as a 'beast' of the field? Hardly so!

    Clearly, the Bible - by using this kind of terminology - shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the basic nature of cats, while created perfect by God, has become evil or 'beastlike' since the fall of Adam six thousand years ago, and more probably, since the Great Flood of Noah's time (c2350 B.C.E.). This is a development of the condition borne by the 'Original Serpent', the 'Great Dragon' Lucifer himself. (Gen. 3:1) Indeed, modern studies of classification of cats, while not necessarily being reliable as they may be based on the discredited 'theory' of evolution, strongly associate felines with serpents (despite some external differences in physiology and morphology, which confuse those who do not study these matters deeply).

    Using that same logic one can find the following to be true. The 'Great Dragon', Lucifer translates to "Bringer of Light". Clearly, the Bible - by using this kind of terminology - relates this 'new light' so often spoken of by the modern-day false prophet, the Watchtower Bible and Track Society, to Lucifer as the bringer of this 'new light'.

    I think a few of these people should take some logic courses.

  • shera
  • iggy_the_fish

    There's a term for this isn't there?

    Yes, there it is (thank you google, I love you more each day), black propaganda


  • minimus

    Where is "FRED HALL"?

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