Great Experiences- I was serfing the net ad came across APOSTATES

by You People Are All Idiots 110 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shera

    heheh....Had my lil chuckle of the day!

  • Odrade
    Hmmmm, your bevy of misspelled words and grammatical errors tell me you are either in 8th grade, English is your 2nd tongue, or you have a mental handicap.

    EF, you missed one. Option 4) dropped out of the 8th grade to pioneer!

  • love2Bworldly

    This is hilarious!!! Best thread I have read in a while. Hee Hee

    Welcome to the forum! We know you'll be back

  • trevor
    Because to them Witnesses are no more than a brain washing cult.

    This guy is smarter than his spelling suggests!

  • kls

    Yes we are Apostates and we are free and you are brainwashed and you trapped

  • Abaddon

    Oh, I forgot...

    Bwahahahaha! Bwahahaha! Our apostate vibes have leaked out through the screen. You have paid for your presumption in going against the Society's guidelines regarding Internet use. You are contaminated. It will fester within you until you join us! Bwahahahaha! Bwahaha!

    Now, I need to stroke a pussy whilst I play with my super-weapon...

    Egad, being an apostate is such hard work nowadays. You just don't get the appreciation.

  • EvilForce

    Abaddon....I know brother!!!! Us super-villian apostates JUST DON'T get the credit we deserve. Do they have any idea how much MONEY it takes to build a "space laser"?!? The throngs of minions I must pay! And don't get me started on the cost of outfitting my secret lair on a secluded island!

    Odrade...I didn't forget.....I figured since he's probably a janitor or window washer / 8th grade dropout I wouldn't rub it in any further. LOL

  • sf
    people who were actually looking for the offcial jehovah's witnesses site would get confused

    There is no official "jehovah's witnesses site". There is nothing official about jws.

    Also, is the very first search hit google pulls up. So tell me, how confusing is THAT?

    Try being honest. The official WATCHTOWER site does not provide you a place to chat or discuss or troll. Thusly, THAT is why you went to the next search hit provided, which IS this site.

    Why not call Watchtower Bible Tract Society [ Public Affairs Office, telephone: (718) 560-5600. Watch Tower, 25 Columbia Heights,
    Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483 USA. ] and ask them why their official site does not provide these features? Express to them that there is no official site a truly dedicated, loyal jw can 'congregate' and that you simply have no choice BUT to register onto sites that are clearly apostate. Because after all, there's no way in hell you are going to stop surfing onto forbidden sites...tell them this.

    Better yet, get your congregation to sign a petition for such. Even better, take the petition to your Circuit and Presiding Overseer's and to your next assembly.

    Demand that they install these features on their site to avoid any stumbling.

    Must suck to know that your self control is governed by Satan.

    sKally, who usually doesn't feed the trolls, and doesn't really think this post counts as such...klass

  • Generic Man
    Generic Man

    Yes, we are idiots, but our stupidity is more reasonable than yours. Perhaps you should list your own name as an apostate for taking the time to register, then post a message that will accomplish nothing. By the way, in case you change your mind about us, feel free to post some more.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    this guy is stupider than tom cruise as of late


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