Great Experiences- I was serfing the net ad came across APOSTATES

by You People Are All Idiots 110 Replies latest jw experiences

  • crazyblondeb

    Can't you feel the LOVE ????

    Thought true JWs weren't suppose to surf the net?!!! We can tell by your grammer you didn't get much of an education!! You need to give a few talks and maybe meet with the elders. They'll set you straight!!!

    And when you are ready for the "truth"--we'll be waiting with open arms!!

  • Sushi Crow
    Sushi Crow

    Dear Brother/ Sister Idiot,

    Since you have decided to go against the Society's suggestions regarding the internet, I now have permission to cast a healing spell on you thru your post on this board. The spell that I will cast is one called "The Apostate Spell". Within 24 hours, you will become an "apostate" and enjoy the all the freedoms and liberties defined and implied by this title.

    The "Apostate Spell" is powerful, so if elders are called in to attempt to break this spell, they too will turn into "apostates". Feel free to invite your entire congregation to this ritual. Proceedings will begin at midnight EST, so as to allow for final attendance at tonight's meeting. Please have coffee and tea available at your home. This service is free of charge, although a contribution of 25 cents to help cover costs would be appreciated. I wish you well in your new life.


    Sushi Crow

    Caw, Caw! Society Minister

  • loosie

    lol @ Sushi Crow

  • freedom96

    Friends of mine sometimes will ask what I do when witnesses come knocking on the door. First of all, it happens very rarely.

    But my reaction greatly has to do with the attitude of the person talking with me. The other day, a father with his two daughters came to the house. The girls were probably 6 and 15, and the dad gave the most pitiful presentation I have ever heard. I took what he gave me, and he left. What was the point to bash him? None.

    However, this guy who started this thread. Give me a chance with him. That, my friends, would be highly entertaining.

  • reagan_oconnor
    Ah, an emissary of Jehovah's loving organization has stopped by to encourage us.

    What a fine reflection he is on the organization and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. I can see the members of the public openly lauding his fine debating skills and linguistic prowess as he shines the light of the True Faith for all to see.

    Visitors, you have witnessed how a true Jehovah's Witnesses represents his faith and defines the ideal of what it means to be a member. Truly, the very epitome of their faith.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Hooboy, I needed a LOL tonight! Gehenna... isn't that hair color for hippies?

  • Sunspot
    Gehenna... isn't that hair color for hippies?

    LOL @ reagan oconnor!!!!

  • Rabbit

    Sushi Crow

    The "Apostate Spell" is powerful, so if elders are called in to attempt to break this spell, they too will turn into "apostates"

    Is the "Apostate Spell" a 'Learn to Spell', spell or just a general purpose 'think-for-yourself' spell, spell ??

    Welcome Sushi at your funny post !

    You People Are All Idiots...Think ! You actually did something GOOD thought for yourself ! You expressed your very own opinion ! does it feel ? You did here what you CANNOT do at the Watchtower site. That's called 'Freedom of Speech', ever heard of that ? Timothy says to "...Keep examining these things..." to "make sure" they are true. Look around...pick a subject from a title & read it. Research it...then come back and give us your opinion. We'll listen.

    BTW, please don't paint 'us' with a broad brush like you have attempted to do already. Surely you see that won't work. There is a vast array of beliefs represented here by mostly X-JW's. All the way from active, doubting JW's, curious ones, relatives, boy & girlfriends of JW's (trying to understand them), to X-pioneers, Elders, Ministerial Servants, District & Circuit Overseers, etc. I don't know if he's ever posted here, but even a major, long-time Governing Body Member has quit the JW's...he wrote a very nice book, "Crises of Conscience."

    You really ought to read it, if you don't, you will never understand the real 'inner workings' of how the Society really works ! For instance...all of the Governing Body members are annointed, right ? All of them are Jehovah's only 'conduit' thru which 'knowledge, understanding & Holy Spirit' passes thru to mankind, right ? Did you know they vote on issues & changes in doctrine ? A 2/3 majority 'wins' ! So, only 2/3 of them have God's 'ear' ? The other 1/3 cannot understand or interpret the 'signals' from God ? Give me a break !

    I was a JW for 35 years, I NEVER got to 'unload' my opinion to Elders or other JW's about things I didn't like. You can do that here.

    We don't bite - hard. And we will never ever shun or disfellowship you either.




    I see others have noticed the spelling and grammar of this well-educated cult member... lol Seems to be a borg trademark ...

    Gone dancin'


  • fairchild

    Reading through this whole topic just made me realize how much I have missed JWD

  • Ticker
    Ah, an emissary of Jehovah's loving organization has stopped by to encourage us.

    That is funny as hell. I can just picture this dweeby dub at his puter, still dressed in his hand me down 3 piece suit just fresh back from a sunday meeting all pumped from the public talk, thats just gonna tear a stip off the apostates. And teach us all a big lesson for daring to use our free will and choose to disagree with the watchtower hypocrisy.


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