Edgar Cayce

by stephenw20 67 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stephenw20

    With the arising of rebellious forces . . . the body has assumed the attitude: "I will break over this time, and the next time I won't. I will eat this because it pleases me at the present. I will take this, for I don't want to suffer right now, and next time I won't." This has been done until self loses such holds on self as to become in a manner the slave to self's own indulgences, in mental, physical and material things!
    These conditions, then, require that there be made by self a definite stand to be taken; that is: "If there is given me a definite program to follow I will--I will--I will adhere to it, no matter what I may suffer mentally or physically! I will trust in the divine forces innate . . . within my inner self for the strength to endure, for the ability to say no when I should!"
    Edgar Cayce Reading 911-7

  • stephenw20

    For, as has been given, it is not all of life to live, nor yet all of death to die. For life and death are one, and only those who will consider the experience as one may come to understand or comprehend what peace indeed means.
    Reading 1977-1

  • stephenw20

    Do not worry as to whether you are fat or thin. Worry rather as to whether you use your body, mentally and physically, as an statement of thy ideal.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 308-8

  • stephenw20

    I hope someone reads this

    Make haste slowly, for one can easily become discouraged. One can become overenthusiastic. One can become in such a manner of policy as to let the little ends slip without proper consideration, as to their meaning with the whole undertaking.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2448-3

  • crossroads

    Yes my Brother I always do,
    What Harm would come from Powell Going to TALK with
    Afganistan---He is a soldier isn't he willing to give up his life
    to save younger soldiers, If his life is taken OUR decision is being made for us.

  • stephenw20

    They that have ministered that the God-force, the soul that is the image of the Maker might be glorified have done so unto the Lord. His brethren, His individual selves are but the material manifestations of that Creative Force in a material world.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 524-2

  • stephenw20

    For mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through the environs of an entity's experience these become barriers or steppingstones, dependent upon the manner in which these are laid as it were. For as the mental dwells upon these thoughts, so does it give strength, power to things that do not appear. And thus does indeed there become that as is so oft given, that faith is the evidence of things not seen.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 906-3

  • stephenw20

    You only fail if you quit trying. The trying is oft counted for righteousness. Remember as He has given, "I do not condemn thee." Go be patient, be kind, and the Lord be with thee!
    Edgar Cayce Reading 3292-1

  • stephenw20

    . . don't get mad and don't cuss a body out mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren't good.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 470-37

  • stephenw20

    More individuals become so anxious about their own troubles, and yet helping others is the best way to rid yourself of your own troubles. For what is the pattern? He gave up Heaven and entered physical being that ye might have access to the Father.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 5081-1

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