Edgar Cayce

by stephenw20 67 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stephenw20

    If you would have friends, be friendly. If you would even have fun, make fun for someone else.
    Read the comic papers; not as to become sarcastic, no--but remember, ever, even thy Master, Jesus, could laugh in the face of the Cross. Can ye find a better example?
    Edgar Cayce Reading 3440-2


  • stephenw20

    There has been and is ever the promise to every soul that He, thy Father, thy God, will meet thee in thy holy temple. Then accept same. Prepare self. Dedicate self; making those necessary activities for insuring self of that influence, that activity on the part of self, and there needs be little fear--ever--to enter. For he that does so doubting already invites that which would bring corruption, dissension. But he that does so in the assurance that the promises are true, the promises are thine own, in insuring self and making secure.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 877-2

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Thoroughly enjoyed that first story, Stephen. Thinker and I have enriched each others lives so much. It gives pause each day for thanks!!
    Thankyou for sharing this!

  • stephenw20

    Depend more upon the intuitive forces from within and not harken so much to that of
    outside influences--but learn to listen to that still small voice from within,
    remembering as the lesson as was given, not in the storm, the lightning, nor in any of
    the loud noises as are made to attract man, but rather in the still small voice from
    within does the impelling influence come to life in an individual that gives for that
    which must be the basis of human endeavor; for without the ability to constantly hold
    before self the ideal as is attempted to be accomplished, man becomes one as adrift,
    pulled hither and yon by the various calls and cries of those who would give of this
    world's pleasure in fame, fortune, or what not. Let these be the outcome of a life spent
    in listening to the divine from within, and not the purpose of the life.

    Edgar Cayce Reading 239-1

    TW Thank You!

  • stephenw20

    Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2995-3

  • stephenw20

    Happiness, then, is not a thing set apart from self, but the conditions with which one approaches that in hand to be done! for when one considers that the position of self is hard to bear, is not as is desired, the desire of the heart often maketh one afraid--unless that desire is ever in that attitude of "Use me, O God, as I am," for the I AM is ready, willing, to make my will one with Thy will--"Though He slay me, though He bruise me in mine own selfish or unseen ways; yet will I trust Him day by day," and He will not forsake thee; neither will He allow thee to be afraid; for He will raise thee up, and He understands all the hardships, the little things, the separations, the variations in the surroundings--but trust Him!
    Edgar Cayce Reading 5563-1

  • stephenw20

    First--know as to what are the purposes, the desires, the hopes. There are in the present the problems that are a part of the experience, but take things, conditions and circumstances where they are--not merely where you wishfully think, hope or desire that they are!
    Meet the problems first, though, in the spiritual; then the mental and the material results will become more satisfactory.
    As the law has been and is a portion of the hopes--as the associations are still many of the problems of the moment--find the solution in the choices as in keeping with these:
    Thou hast seen the way of the Lord. Thou knowest it to be good. Depart not from same for the satisfying or the gratifying of material wishes or material desires. For, the law of the Lord is perfect; and they that seek to follow in His way shall not find themselves among those disturbed, nor among the children of want.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 459-12

  • stephenw20

    Take counsel in self. Give unto self that worthy, acceptable period of service, for in service to others is lending to that Creative Energy that makes or destroys lives. Lives are as worlds, for each is of that material of which the universe is and was created--for in the life of the entity enters many of those conditions that may be made into miracles or crimes.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2497-3

  • stephenw20

    Know that only in Him, who may bring peace and harmony by or through the contacts--the thoughts of self as in relationship to the whole, may there be brought about those better relationships.
    To continue to condemn only brings condemnation, then, for self. This does not mean that self's activity should be passive, but rather being constant in prayer--knowing and taking, knowing and understanding that he that is faithful is not given a burden beyond that he is able to bear, if he will put the burden upon Him that has given the promise, "I will be with thee; there shall not come that which shall harm thee, if thou will but put thy trust, thy faith in me."
    . . . First make an analysis of self, of self's relationships, of the impelling influences that cause others to act in their manners in the present.
    Do not condemn self, do not condemn another; but leave the activities that would bring about condemnation rather in His hands, who requireth at the hands of all that there be meted, "As ye would that should be done to thee, do ye even so to thy fellow man!"

    Edgar Cayce Reading 290-1

  • stephenw20

    . . if thou art centered in Him, then be not afraid! Yea, He has walked the streets with the rabble and has seen the flowing of the blessings that may come through making self humble! Yea, in the face and in the power of those that might save the body, He gave: "There is no power save that Creative Force we call God may give," that the soul may be raised, may be washed, may be white, may be cleansed that it may be in the presence of the Maker Himself! Art thou choosing this way?
    Edgar Cayce Reading 707-1

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