What Were Your Experiences In Dating JWs?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5
    Any "immorality"?

    Yes! Mine and others. Alot of jw teens and young 20's were running around like rabbits. At least that's what I remember.


  • minimus

    The elders *knew* that certain teens were being bad brothers and sisters but it's tough to go after the elders' kids.

  • delilah

    In one congregation I was in as a teen, some of the worst kids were the elders kids...two of them were the biggest dope dealers by day, and gave the best impromptu talks by Thursday night....and I remember a talk about that once, where the elder said, that it was because Satan was after the elders families, as they were leading the congregations....if he could "get" them, he could penetrate the congregation....(pardon the pun) ...and yes, there was a lot of promiscuity back then, and now...things haven't changed, except for the kids are a wee bit sneakier maybe?? I dunno..but I always knew I didn't want to marry a JW....ewwwwwwww. ..boring.


  • Honesty

    Dated 3 sistas. One black (sweet) and 2 white ones.

    2 of them rocked my world. Best sex I ever had in my life. They knew how to please a man. Guilt got the best of me and I had to quit seeing them.

    One wouldn't do anything. I made the mistake of marrying only in the Lord. What a joke!

  • talesin

    I had one date as a JW. It was a set-up, blind date. We went with another couple to the movies. Well, when we got to the mall that had the theatres in it, the guys informed us they were going to the bar to drink, and would meet us after the movie. I was shocked. Called my father to come and get me. What an a$$hole!!!

    Just before I stopped going to the KH, I asked one of my PIONEER guy friends `why doesn`t anyone ever ask me out?`

    He told me that the I was the type of girl they would like to marry, but they preferred dating girls who would put out till they were ready to marry a nice, pure virgin. `Don`t worry`, said he. `You will have no problem when it comes time for marriage, lots of the guys really like you.` It disgusted me ...`you mean, they expect to have sex and stuff, and then think I would want them? Maybe I would like to also marry a virgin.` was my reply ....

    No wonder it took me so long to learn to like men, and that was the least of it .. there`s a lot of talk on this board about `slutty` sisters ... no double standard here, huh? What about all the man-whores?

    Oh, and I did marry a virgin ... a nice, worldly guy.


    (ps, I don`t count child sexual abuse,, if you are raped as a child, as far as I`m concerned you are STILL a virgin, intact hymen or not)

  • lisavegas420

    I only remember going on dates with two witness guys. The first guy, we didn't really date, he came over to where I lived with another sister. Her boyfriend would come over also a JW and we would all get drunk. One night the guy that came over to see me, well..... we didn't go all the way, but, he came anyway. Then he went back and told his dad and I got in trouble. He ended up in the hospital with a nervous break down or something. I moved away.

    The second guy I met at an assembly. We exchanged phone numbers and he came to my home the following Sat. about a 3 hour drive. He told me, that his uncle that, an elder in his congragation, had called the elders of my hall and the elders at my hall said I was bad news and not to go out with me. We went out anyway, had a great time. Couple weeks later, he came back again, this time even my parents said if I go out with him not to come home that night. Sooo...we got a motel room. His plan was for him to get a motel room after our date then go to my KH on Sunday morning. Instead, we spent the night together, he left the next morning without going to the KH and I never saw him again.

  • Soledad

    Dating? When I was a JW? What's that?

    There were no single guys my age in my congregation. They were either a)married b)very old or c) under 13.

    Note also that I left the WT when I was 22, an old maid by my congregation's standards. They were so certain that I was leaving because I wanted to get laid. Well of course I did! Had I stayed I would still be "waiting on Jehovah for a mate." my cousin just got married last November to a JW in another country that she met online. She is now 40. Imagine that! Slim pickings indeed.

  • bennyk

    Dated my childhood sweetheart: no immorality and she dumped me (twice! ouch! ) but we remained friends. She married a fast-track Pioneer who slept his way around their cong and spawned several half-siblings ; the Holy Spirit did not approve and he never became a "spirit-appointed" adulterer.

    Older and (perhaps) wiser, I came to the USA and met a somewhat younger JW-convert: we dated (still no immorality), fell in love, married, and lived happily-ever-after.

  • Netty
    Re: What Were Your Experiences In Dating JWs?

    Can't say I've ever had the pleasure. What Soledad said, except I left at 19 instead of 22, and thought I was a JW old maid too.

  • Insomniac

    I dated a few guys, but generally kept it on the down-low, 'cuz of all the gossip-mongering in the cong. Unfortunately, I believed that if I was to be a witness, I should obey the rules, whether I personally agreed with them or not. So, no nookie for Insomniac. As I had a no-sex policy, I tended to date guys who were similarly uninterested in sex; two of them later discovered they were gay, and left da troof.

    I vividly remember another guy (cute, Mexican, 20 years my senior) who spent a few minutes kissing me when he dropped me off at my apartment. I was on cloud nine, as he was a great kisser. A little while later, he called from his house all guilt-stricken because our five minutes of liplock had "excited" him too much and he'd had unclean thoughts on the way home. We dated for a while after that, but always with a chaperone, and no more kissing.

    Most of the brothers I dated were good people, guys I'd probably like to hang out with today, although none of them were romantically compatible with me. They did have some outmoded views of male/female relationships, but tended to display them as chivalrous , rather than chauvinistic, behavior. Only one, the PO's son, was a complete jerk. He was one of those bros who thinks women are only good for making babies and cleaning house. He even wanted to keep living with his parents after marriage, so we could afford to pioneer together. Unfortunately, his bedroom was only 8 feet by 8 feet, and had a set of bunk beds in it! He later married one of his cousins (I'm serious) and they have a litter of kids, so I hope he's found his personal happiness.

    Sorry if this post rambles. I'm really very sleepy.

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