What Were Your Experiences In Dating JWs?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I can't believe that. If I had even entertained a bad thought that day I would be scared and get nervous on the doors or answering up because I "knew" that I didn't have Jah's spirit on me! I thought I was so bad and evil and it turns out now that I was actually on the whole a very innocent well behaved JW compared to you lot!

  • undercover
    I thought I was so bad and evil and it turns out now that I was actually on the whole a very innocent well behaved JW compared to you lot!

    Making up for lost time now, huh Crumpet?

  • Crumpet
    Making up for lost time now, huh Crumpet?

    I don't know what would give you that idea undercover!

    Apart from the ocassional slip up I am a very wholesome girl indeed these days. My wild oats have been sown - well there's a few left at the bottom of the sack, but I'm saving those for a rainy day!

  • RichieRich
    but I'm saving those for a rainy day! RichieRich
  • Crumpet

    My lips are sealed - oh actually the're not - !

    LOL - Richie you are just so adorable!

  • undercover

    Hi! Nice to meet you...My name's Rainy Day...

  • Crumpet

    undercover/ richie I must love you and leave you - I am going to be giggling all the way home on the train tonight!

    au revoir,


  • RichieRich
    I am going to be giggling all the way home on the train tonight!

    And I'm going to be eating popsicles...

  • undercover

    that always happens to me....

  • luna2

    I got into the troof after I separated from my husband in my late 20's. There were almost no single brothers in the 25 to 45 year-old range in that congregation...but a large number of single sisters, some with kids (like me) and some without. I truly can't think of any of the single sisters that were dating. I worked with one brother for a while and his goal seemed to be to remain single. After I moved from the area, he did get married to a sister from another congregation. Guess there weren't enough to choose from closer to home.

    This isn't a date-experience, but it's sort of along those lines. I remember, a couple of years after we moved here, an occassion when a friend of mine invited me to meet a group for dinner after the Thursday night meeting. I was pleased to be asked to join the sisters but was a little puzzled when we got to the restaurant and saw that one, lone brother had joined us. It didn't dawn on me until mid-meal that this was some sort of cattle call. This newly divorced brother had just moved to the area and was on the lookout for a wife. So there he was, sitting at a large table with about 8 to 10 sisters checking out the available talent in the 35 - 45 class. I was so embarrassed to have inadvertantly participated in this, that I could barely eat. What a dumbass I was! I have always been amazingly clueless. LMAO

    I do give the guy some credit for not looking only at young girls....seems like lots of brothers want a brand new model when looking for a wife.

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