Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?

by Blueblades 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    *Takes abaddon's wallet*

    Shmolley, that guy is loaded.


  • trevor

    Perhaps we have all died and this is where we ended up. When we are released from our bodies, at what we call death, we may then return to life - a bit like waking from a dream?

    Perhaps this beer is too strong for me?

    Perhaps no-one really knows?

  • bother_forever

    RE: funkyderek.

    1,We are beings of matter. Yes, 99.99% of the known universe is made of atoms. Atoms are matter. Matter is a derivation of the word material. Material is substance. An atomic value can be added to a material substance. Atoms have an energy.

    2, Yes indeed the matter of the human does still exist, however the energy that drives the engine, as in a car has to be transfered. Of course the car body remains however the energy has now made the car a wreck. It is manifest by perhaps noise, and twisted metal, so if a human dies are there perhaps possibilities that even though the "matter" of a corpse still exists, the energy that drove it could in effect transfer to a plain of field that we are unable, or more importantly, as yet not been able to identify, go to.

    3,There have been many scientific breakthroughs that at one time due to ignorance, or lack of knowledge, would never have been possible. The great thing about the human mind is the ability to conseptulise(spelling please) what might be, then prove or disprove, through intellegence gained thusfar. However it is nice to think that great minds once ridiculled the idea that travel around the globe was foolhardy, or even travel in the sky was once as laughable as, well,energy transference. Have a liitle look at http://www,shiftgood1.com. Yes keep your mind open.

  • joelbear

    just don't let belief in life after death keep you from living a full life now!

  • funkyderek


    1,We are beings of matter. Yes, 99.99% of the known universe is made of atoms. Atoms are matter. Matter is a derivation of the word material. Material is substance. An atomic value can be added to a material substance. Atoms have an energy.

    What?! Matter can be converted to energy, but we are not "beings of energy." We are made from atoms, the same as rocks, cars, trees and everything else in the universe. We don't appear in any measurable way to be made of atoms plus something else.

    2, Yes indeed the matter of the human does still exist, however the energy that drives the engine, as in a car has to be transfered. Of course the car body remains however the energy has now made the car a wreck. It is manifest by perhaps noise, and twisted metal, so if a human dies are there perhaps possibilities that even though the "matter" of a corpse still exists, the energy that drove it could in effect transfer to a plain of field that we are unable, or more importantly, as yet not been able to identify, go to.

    I don't understand where you're getting this from. Imagine if you drop a fully working car off a cliff. It will smash on the ground, and will no longer be any use as a car, and may be completely unrecognisable. However, all the matter that made it a car will still exist. It just no longer exists in a way that makes it useful as a vehicle. Now imagine you drop a living adult human off a cliff. He/she will smash on the ground, and will no longer be any "use" as a human, and may be completely unrecognisable. However, all the matter that made him/her a human will still exist. It just no longer exists in a way that makes it viable as a person. What exactly is the difference? What is it about the second scenario that you think requires this peculiar idea of energy transfer?

    3,There have been many scientific breakthroughs that at one time due to ignorance, or lack of knowledge, would never have been possible. The great thing about the human mind is the ability to conseptulise(spelling please) what might be, then prove or disprove, through intellegence gained thusfar. ;However it is nice to think that great minds once ridiculled the idea that travel around the globe was foolhardy, or even travel in the sky was once as laughable as, well,energy transference.

    The above is quite a neat little trick that proponents of pseudoscience often use. "Hey, they laughed at Galileo, they laughed at Einstein, they're laughing at me, therefore I'm just like Galileo and Einstein." I'm not going to bother refuting it here.

    Have a liitle look at http://www,shiftgood1.com. Yes keep your mind open.

    I've seen people getting excited about blurry photographs before. I've never been able to understand why, instead of actually learning a little about photography, they have to invent a whole new branch of imaginary physics. To paraphrase something I read recently (can't remember the source) a mind should be open like a digestive tract is open, to take things in at one end and let the sh*t out at the other.

  • RichieRich

    Actually, my grandmothers half brother's wife's youngest cousin's ex girlfriends buddy came back to life.

    ^ sarcasm

  • LouBelle

    Hard evidence - None what so ever - there are just hopes and dreams of people that live a good life. That I do know.

  • berten

    >We are made from atoms...

    And if you look at an atom closely and it's parts,you'll find nothing but energy in movement...

  • bother_forever


    1,Of course an energy value can be extracted from matter! Different matererial can contain different amounts of energy value. Coal. uranium, even wood can as matter have an energy value extracted from them. In no way is there atoms plus something else, as you so coined the phrase.

    2, The cliff analogy, well you are only looking at the car. The energy is the cars rapid descent towards the earth. Or put it this way, a car will not just become a wreck. Impact, realse of energy, an effect to a cause, has to make it happen. Drop a human of a cliff, of course the body will be destroyed. Yes the matter will still exist. The energy, of the fall will cause damage, however the human has the force that makes it exist, aswell as the fall. Now quickly back to the car, yes it to is falling, like the human, bang they impact. Effect? Damage. Car, did it have any internal energy forces that are not relevent at impact? Yes, fuel, oil, etc. Could these now transfer by means of the impact to another realm? Yes. liquid fuel can ignite and become a gas. Its energy value has remained constant, but it has changed. Now back to the human, fuel? Maybe food, wont ignite though. Are we driven or functioning as a result of a complicated system, of bio-physical, neuro and physcological awareness? You may not want to answer this. I understand your argument totally. Purely on the note that nothing can become something else, that does not make sense. But as I keep saying, never say nothing is impossible. I was not offering any "hard facts" here, but I have succeeded in showing that possibilities are only limited to the individual. It is also hard to believe in a spirit realm considering we were all told that it is satanic, and the demons are constantly tryin to attack our spiritual armour. Do I belive in the world of spiritual forces? I belive the unknown is just that, I certainly wont let it stop me living life to the full now.

    By the way, I ve never thought of myself as a psuedoscientist, but I like the ring to it.

    Take it easy derek. Loved the stimuli that you ve bought.


  • LittleToe

    I have hard evidence, but you'd have to climb inside my head to get it.
    Cumm'ere... closer... CLOSER....

    What Berten said...

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