Has anyone had a tonsillectomy as an adult?

by chrissy 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • crazyblondeb

    I had mine taken out when I was 18. Make the doctor give you some good pain pills and have alot of ice cream and popsicles.

    I have helped in the OR during hundreds of them. They are very routine!!! You'll be fine!! Get all your yelling done now. You won't have a voice for awhile. My family loved that. Get you a small notebook and pen for writing alot of notes.


  • Elsewhere

    And now some medical adice from Jehover's Sole Channel of Communication on Earth...

    *** The Golden Age 1926 Apr 7 p.438} ***
    Tonsillectomy is called a minor operation. If so, getting well is a double major. If any overzealous doctor condemns your tonsils go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful.

    (Thanks to Quotes! http://quotes.watchtower.ca/medical-miscellaneous.htm )

  • mkr32208

    I had mine taken out at 26 as well it SUCKED!!!!!!!! It wasnt' however the most painful thing that would have to be kidney stones! It was scary actually when I got home from the hospital the drugs had made me nausious and I thought I was going to be sick but couldn't move my throat and I just knew I was going to choke to death! GOD IT SUCKED GOOD LUCK!

    Also since I've had it done I seem to choke on red pepper now! Never bothered me before but does now... weird!

  • ChrisVance

    I had mine out 10 days before I turned 50. That's fifty years. I survivied. You're very young, it'll be a breeze. Well, maybe not a breeze, but you'll survive. Yes, it was painful and the pain medication, tylenol with condeine, didn't help much, but I took it faithfully. For what it's worth, I'm really glad I had them out. Take care and let us know how it's going.

  • Xandria

    Yes, I had mine out around 28 yrs. of age. I had chronic infections of the tonsils. The only bad part was losing my uvla (sp) the flap piece that hangs down in the middle of your throat. The doctor left the clamp on too long and if he left the uvla there it would have swollen and blocked my air supply.

    So he removed it too. When I woke up, I wasn't too happy to hear about it, but what could you do it was done. Drank lots of water b/c my throat felt tight and at times gets very dry. I also have a change in my voice tone.

    But at least the chronic infections are gone.

    Best of luck to you.


  • hillbilly
    *** The Golden Age 1926 Apr 7 p.438} ***
    Tonsillectomy is called a minor operation. If so, getting well is a double major. If any overzealous doctor condemns your tonsils go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful.

    Yikes! No wonder they wold still stone folks if it was 'legal'!


  • M.J.

    Had mine out at age 19 or so. I lost about 10-15 pounds, as was stated before. I was not given all that scary info beforehand and it was an outpatient thing done at the local clinic. The worst part was waking up. Y'know that punching bag looking thing hanging over your throat, whatever it's called? Well that thing was so big and swollen I felt like I was constantly gagging the first day. That was the worst part of it. Plus, the effects of the anesthetic made me feel terrible. So it wasn't so much pain but discomfort that was the issue for me. Really it wasn't all that bad though. It just took a little time to get over the soreness. Don't be scared. You'll be fine.

  • chrissy

    Oh scheisse...

    these stories are making my eyes bug out of my head and my jaw drop.

    Xandria- they took that dangly thing out of your mouth without asking? jeez... that seems out of line. I go in for pre-op tomorrow... I feel like I should mention "just the tonsils please...everything else stays."

    lose 10-15 lbs? I hope not. My 120 lb 5'6 frame could start looking ghastly. hmmm.. hope this is worth it you guys.

  • Iforget

    For me it was very worth it. I don't mean to scare you but I hated not knowing up front. Yes your uvula is very very swollen and that does go down.

    Just keep warm soup going and make sure you keep drinking. To me popsiciles required too much swallowing so the broth from the soup was easier and felt better. And make sure they don't give you that tylenol with codeine liquid crap. Make them give you something much stronger, Vicoden to help you sleep OR get some Tylenol PM to help with that if they won't.

    I lost the weight and you will to. It comes back over time so don't worry..you and I weigh about the same and I am 2 inches taller. I would have given anything to stop the throat infections.

    Your throat will be drier...mine is to this day. There are subtle changes in your throat but nothing you can't handle.

  • Xandria


    Xandria- they took that dangly thing out of your mouth without asking? jeez... that seems out of line. I go in for pre-op tomorrow... I feel like I should mention "just the tonsils please...everything else stays."

    I was out at the time and he could not consult me, it was a life and death decision. For if he, left it in after unclamping the blood vessel~ it would have swollen quickly. Sufficating me in the recovery room.

    So I pose the question wake me up and ask me or just go ahead and save my life... which would you choose?

    We did discuss situations like this pre-op. An he asked me point blank what would I like to have done in a case of emergency? It also comes down to trust.. do you feel comfortable and confident in your doctor's ablities? I can live with out that dangly bit.. but not with out air.

    Best of luck,


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