Has anyone had a tonsillectomy as an adult?

by chrissy 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • chrissy

    My ENT ordered that my tonsils come out, and I am scheduled for this mini-op next Thursday. I heard that its a lot more painful for adults and the risks are greater. The Dr. said it is mostly just an excruciatingly painful experience, and pain meds will be prescribed to make life worth living for the two weeks following the procedure. She said 1 in about 50,000 people die...citing the greatest possibility of death caused by bleeding. I told her a blood transfusion would be fine, only she wasn't really asking.

    If anyone here has had it done, please tell me about it?? Thanks.

  • RichieRich

    I had mine out 9 years ago. Hurt like hell. Ice cream was good.

    There are risks with everything... Don't worry.

  • Nosferatu

    My ex had hers removed when she was 18 - 20 (can't remember exactly when). She's still alive and apparently ice cream is good.

    The doc will probably put you on some T-3s to deaden the pain.

  • doogie
    My ex had hers removed when she was 18 - 20 (can't remember exactly when). She's still alive and apparently ice cream is good.

    The doc will probably put you on some T-3s to deaden the pain.

    mmm...T-3s ice cream...

  • Elsewhere

    Hell, don't waste your money on Doctors!

    I'll just get my handy wire cutters and snip those puppies right out! Hell, I'll even throw in some asprin.

  • chrissy

    Yikes!! Thanks for the offer elsewhere... but gulp!!! If I see anything remotely resembling that apparatus coming towards my mouth, I am running like haties!!!

  • nicolaou

    Haven't had a tonsillectomy but did have a vasectomy. I suppose if they'd worked at the wrong end of the table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • Soledad

    just out of curiosity why are you having yours taken out?

  • Iforget


    I had mine taken out at age 26 and yes indeed it was the most painful thing I have done AND I have given birth WITHOUT drugs.

    My suggestions are:

    1. Warm beverages felt better then cold and I didn't eat ice cream. I think that works with kids ;)

    2. Make sure you keep taking your pain medication before it wears off. This was especially hard during sleep because you wake up in massive pain.

    3. The pain is not in your throat although that is quite sore...it's your EARS that just ACHE ACHE ACHE. I did not expect that but the pain radiates up your neck to your ears. I ended up calling a doctor friend and asked him for something to just knock me out and let me sleep. I don't know what he gave me but I crushed it up in jello and slept great for 14 hours! Love that man!

    4. Prepare to lose 10-15 lbs. You cannot eat and you will be STARVING but you just can't swallow. I ended up warming up chicken noodle soup and drinking the liquid. That kept me satisfied and the warmth felt so good.

    5. I threw up from the anesthetic and that scared me because you think you are going to blow your throat out but it actually did not hurt and I sure felt better afterwards!

    6. Your voice will change a little and you will notice a difference in how you speak and breath. Feels weird even today 10 years later.

    7. Do not do too much too early. You may start to feel better but you will be suprised at just how fatigued you are.

    Be good to you and I wish you a speedy recovery. Let me know how you are doing.

  • chrissy

    soledad- I was told way back in pediatrician days that I should have them out due to chronic tonsillitis. But I was always too chicken. I guess I have had it with the pain of recurrent sore throats. That, and I have time off normal responsibilty at the moment, so lots of down time....so out they come!

    Iforget- Thank you soo much for sharing your tips, experiences, and well wishes!! Ahhh... I hope it goes smooth! I'll let ya know.

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