Which avatars ''appeal'' to you (credit to jt stumbler)

by MidwichCuckoo 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    LMAO Iggy!

    What is it you are wearing in your avatar btw?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Dur dur dur dur du-du-dur, dur dur dur du-du-du-durrrr

    That sounds JUST like Pearl & Dean!!!

  • z

    I like my avatar look just like me lol

  • sonnyboy

    Personally, I get sort of uneasy when some people use their real pictures...I guess it depends on the facial expression used. It's like they're staring at you while you read their posts, waiting for a reaction.

    Maybe I'll post mine when I work out my issues.

  • LittleToe

    There, I've changed it. Happy now??

  • Crumpet

    Sonnyboy - come to mummy! Don't look at the man with the scary eyes that watch you!

    (LT - at least you have a hint of a grin going on, but the starey eyes are freaking me out!)

  • sonnyboy

    Everyone's staring at me!!!

    *head explodes*

  • sonnyboy

    That's better, LT

    Crumpet, did you transform into someone else? Don't make me go completely insane.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Crumpet - it's a leather fireproof suit, which I had to wear sometimes for a previous job (part of the job involved working with molten metals at over 1000 C). Why they chose red, I don't know. That part of the factory used to feel like hell - unbearably hot, with lots of little red suited demons running around.

    It was the only digital photograph of myself I had when I joined here, and I've never been bothered to change it so far.

    I really want to assure everyone, I'm not some sort of red rubber fish suit wearing pervert!


  • LittleToe


    I really want to assure everyone, I'm not some sort of red rubber fish suit wearing pervert!

    You're not fooling anyone, with that line, you know!

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