So I'm at the meeting tonight.............

by JV 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8
    I'm in university, and to think that the awake compares to a university education is just incomprehensible.

    Isn't it though? Some of the dumbest things I've ever heard come out of the mouths of JWs are about college:

    • Reading the WT and Asleep! magazines > college education
    • Participating in the Theocrappic Ministry School > college education

    Blah, blah, blah. Here's the TRUTH:

    • Critical thinking skills learned in a basic Philosophy 101 college course > a lifetime of participating in all JW activities and reading all WTS publications
    • Learning about world history and how to think=priceless ;)
  • Hecklerboy
    You're all grown up and you're still in school? " Are you fuc**ng kidding me???? ARRRGHHH. Ok i'm in my early twenties technically i should be done

    Don't worry JV. My wife will be 29 this year and she is still in college getting her Masters Degree in Nursing. Her family (not witnesses) always ask when she will graduate and become a nurse. She's been a nurse for 6 years now. When people make stupid comments like this it just proves that they are not really interested in you or they would have listened the first 10 times you told them about you schooling.

    Good luck on your engineering degree. I'm an engineering technician, so hopefully you won't become my boss someday.

  • Honesty
    LOL I am always amazed at what fascinates the dubs!

    Just wait until the Governing Body gets around to running this week's current story about how helpful Kudzu is in cutting down on alcohol use.

  • littlerockguy

    I remember when I first went to college back in the late 80s I was in a McDonalds, where I worked at the time, I had some of my books with me and I was in the lobby about to leave. I can't remember why I had some of my books with me that morning. I had just finished an early morning shift and somebody older than I that I really didn't know that well was from a neighboring congregation was there. I really didn't know him but he knew me and approached me and asked me if I was in college and I said yes and he reacted as if I joined a branch of the military and walked away shaking his head and I was like WTF?

    And they say they aren't against higher education but back then if you heard the talks at the assemblies you would have heard otherwise.

  • talesin

    First off, congrats on getting a real education, JV. ;)

    lrg said this,

    And they say they aren't against higher education but back then if you heard the talks at the assemblies you would have heard otherwise.

    Their boldness of their lies is just ... stunning!

    Oh, yes, I remember well. Going to university back in the mid-70s was verboten. If you went to uni, you would instantly become a target of Satan the Debbil. You would be filled with 'worldly thoughts' (read, 'learn critical thinking', uhoh!) I may as well have started working the streets, they would have treated me the same ...

    How many times did I hear that reading the Asleep! magazine was as good as a college degree? Even when I was in junior high school, I knew that was a load. *shakes head*

    Hey, JV, you know that by the time they get their degree, most engineers have 'lost it'! Too much math .. durr !

    Just teasing! I've worked w/ lot of engineers, and they are usually cerebral, quirky and lots of fun to work with. No matter what branch you are entering, it's a great profession!


    math-geek class

  • tijkmo

    hey jv im 44...just restarted school..studying music- all kinds including rap

    tijkmo of the still taking my time to perfect the beat still got love for the street class

  • Chia


    Now, I get it. I was wondering how exactly you had heard of that song!

  • Tatiana

    when I move tij moves...jus like dat.....

  • tijkmo

    chia...actually liked the two chord piano riff years before school ....althought to be fair liked the video better with its bouncing cars and bouncing..........bass line

  • Evesapple

    I remember telling one "sister" about something interesting I had read in some health journal while sitting in the doctor's office, not even sure exactly what the subject matter was, however her comment to me was 'I don't believe anything that is written unless it is printed in the Awake!' I was mortified by her ignorance. I didn't know what to say, although I didn't leave the organization until 10 years later, that was one comment I never was clear evidence of their brainwashing.

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