Letter to my Elder Uncle

by Lehaa 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lehaa

    This is the letter i just recently sent to my Uncle. He invited me to the Memorial, i told him I would not be there as I thought it was hypocritical just to go to the memorial. He replied

    If you love Jehovah miss your extended family want your children to have everlasting life Its not hypocritical. Love you lots

    This is my reply to him

    Dear Uncle ****, Yes I do love my children and my extended family. I have issues that I need cleared up. I know you love me and I made some bad choices in life. I know I was the one that got disfellowshipped, but in some cases I feel let down a great deal by my extended family. When I told you how violent C*** had become, (If you don't believe this you maybe would like to see the police reports and court orders I had to get out against him just to feel safe in my own home. He has been incredibly abusive towards me, including calling me many things in front of my children(eg a prostitute and a whore) some of these things witnesses by J****.) you said nothing too this. I did not expect you to all come running, but maybe a how are you may have been appropriate. You said you would always be there for me, when I needed a little care I got nothing. The elders in a few congregations know about this and nothing was done. I find it hard to believe that an organisation that says it is built on love can take this stance, can condone the behaviour of a violent and continually abusive man and remove me, who in a huge moment of weakness does something that is totally out of her character. I was and am still incredibly sorry for what I did, if I could go back and change it I would. I still at the moment find it hard to walk into a Kingdom Hall and deal with the hostility I receive there. You may say to go to a different Hall, but I have done that in the past, before I got disfellowshipped, trying to deal with the lack of support and out right alienation we received after reporting K*****'s abuse. If this organisation is based on love, care and unity then why do I have to move around to try and find it, shouldn't it be in all the Kingdom Halls I go to. I know there are a lot of witnesses that are great and fantastic people, I still get a little support from them. Unfortunately they are the ones that are viewed of by other witnesses as weak and have asked me not to say anything as they are fearful of being disfellowshipped themselves. All I know is that in most cases disfellowshipping does more harm than good, It does not do what it is supposed to do. When one day I get reinstated I have vowed to never alienate someone who is disfellowshipped. Until you have been disfellowshipped you will never know how incredibly debilitating it is for someone's soul. I still love you all very much and look forward to the day that we can all be back together again, Love to all, Leah and the Kids. Please let me know when and where the Memorial is, if I'm feeling strong enough I will be there.

    This is what I recieved from him

    We read and understand everything you have written with the greatest empathy. I t must be awful to the soul to be in such a position. I truly am very sorry you are there, and always hopeful you are strong enough to make a return to where you belong. J ehovah truly loves you. His human creation imperfect and fragile as we all are. Although we would be unable to talk to you, our hearts will be overjoyed to see you there.

    Well after that I resolve that I would NOT be going to the memorial and I am NEVER going back to another meeting. I'm glad I have true friends whom I can share this with. Those who truly accept me for whom I am. Leah. xoxoxo.

  • candidlynuts

    hugs honey..

    its really hard to accept how conditional love is to jw's.

    it shouldnt be that way.

    i dont know what to say except many MANY of us have been where your at and still are.so you have complete and total compassion and understanding from many of us.

  • misspeaches
    I'm glad I have true friends whom I can share this with. Those who truly accept me for whom I am.

    Dear Leah I am so happy for you that you have made real friends who will support you. I am so sorry to hear of the pain you have dealt with and the alienation from your family. I hope that one day they too will find the real truth for themselves. Chin up darlin!

    Miss Peaches

  • upside/down

    I don't know what to say....


  • evita

    Dear Leah

    I am so sorry and I know how painful it is to be shunned by those you love. I think it just has to be endured and the reasons for why we have to go through this may never make sense. Focus your attention on your kids and others who can respond to you in a more loving and "spiritual" way than the JW's.
    My thoughts are with you.

  • Lehaa

    Thanks guys.

    My mum and dad are no longer dubs and they're great, but live in anothre state. My Uncle lives 30 minutes from me and when I was first DF'ed said they would always be there for me no matter what. That's what I fing so hard to deal with, they'll be there anly if I come back to meetings and try to get reinstated. It's just so typical.

    (((((((thanks all))))))

  • alw

    lehaa, thanks for sharing your thoughts, it must be very painful, however you are already moving on ahead by the sounds of it.

    you have some good friends so enjoy them as much as possible and that will help to fill the void.

    our thoughts are with you, mr.alw

  • tijkmo
    If this organisation is based on love, care and unity then why do I have to move around to try and find it, shouldn't it be in all the Kingdom Halls I go to.


  • Honesty

    I hope you heal soon. There are a lot of people other than JW's who know what it means to 'love your neighbor as yourself'.

    If this organisation is based on love, care and unity then why do I have to move around to try and find it, shouldn't it be in all the Kingdom Halls I go to.

    They are lying about love, care and unity.

    Here's how they really think and feel:

    Conditional love

    Who cares

    Conformity not unity

  • TheListener

    Lehaa, I'm so sorry that you must endure the ill treatment of close family on top of everything else you've experienced. The treatment toward disfellowshipped family members is especially upsetting to me. I've been on the same side of the fence as your uncle and it isn't easy either. The society's rules and regulations cause harm to everyone involved.

    I really have empathy for you.

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