Six Billion Hearts Will Soon Stop Beating. . .

by ACEofCAD 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    I think of my little niece and nephew sitting there listening to this garbage and all the other little kids subject to this WT hate propaganda. Kids are very impressionable--you can get them to believe in Santa claus and the tooth faery after all. Are they sitting there thinking about their non JW parents or grandparents and relatives and all their little friends at school being wiped out? I'm sure this is the stuff their nightmares are made of. The only way this will not sadden them is if you teach them to emotionally shut down and hate people outside of the organization--very sad.

    Daunt I appreciate your comments--you are proof that not everyone (even at an early age) buys into the WT programming. You give me some hope in the human race.


  • LongHairGal
  • LongHairGal

    I seem to remember talks like this but I don't really remember my emotions at the time towards the rest of the world because I was afraid for me. Because, after all, we weren't guaranteed to be saved either!

    Talks like this shouldn't surprise us because the JWs quote very much from the old testament (or as they call it the Hebrew Scriptures). The OT is full of such violence and genocide. In fact, the Israelites were given the privilege of killing and/or dispossessing any peoples that God told them to and taking the virgins, and any other spoils, etc. Hence, the callous attitude you see today on the part of JWs.


  • Dismembered


    His comments bothered me but what disturbs me more is that almost everyone there seemed all too happy about it.

    They are happy about it. It's just like the idots, whilest out in "da service" picking out what house(s) will be theirs, once armmagiddion comes. After all there has to be a reward for all they've done.

    The world wood be better with 6 billion less beatin' hearts. Geesh! The bs continues. Put on your Tingleys they are wtbs proof.


    "They": believe they're gliding down the highway,

    when in fact they're slip-sliding away.

  • sf

  • missy04
    almost everyone there seemed all too happy about it.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    The LACK of true love and compassion really shows. The important, medical observation is: Most, if not all of the R&F JWs don't have the "heart condition" to KNOW that any such statement is a BAD thing!

    How sad

  • kilroy2

    I don't know why any one here is surprised at that comment, They have been doing this in one form or another since Rushford,

    I can remember one co getting up on stage at the holt Michigan assembly [cant remember his name] with a paper bag, he talked for about 20 min, about how we should view DFed people, that they were dead in gods eyes, and they should be in ours, blablabla

    Then he opened the bag, took out a skull [human don't know if it was real or plastic] held it up to the audience like he had just killed someone and was showing off his trophy to the enemy, and in a loud voice said " Because if this was after Armageddon and you wanted to talk to these people, this is what you would have to talk to, they will be and are dead"

    Maybe someone here will remember his name, he was co for the north Michigan circuit about 15 years ago, he was white and appx 30 yo. at the same time heard was do. I did not pay much attention to the co's or do's they did not mean much to me, the meeting did not mean much to me, the assemblies was a fun place to look for chicks. you know jw chicks, I will show you mine if you show me yours.

    They will keep doing the same old same old, I have never felt more free then since I have give them the boot, when some of the newer dubbers stumble to my door and say "would you like to live in paradise earth forever?" I say sure but not with you assholes!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Catren

    This person's remark reminds me of being out in service years ago riding in a car with a pioneer sister and a couple of other JWs. Something was said on the radio about somebody dying, and the pioneer sister said, good, she was glad, that was one less worldly person! I could not believe her attitude! Why was she a full-time pioneer, if not because she loved people and wanted to go to their homes and share her religion with them?! I couldn't comprehend her feelings about somebody dying. It didn't make sense. (Also, out in service I noticed that people generally didn't talk about spiritual things when driving in the territory.) Anyway, it's comments like these that make you wonder.


  • gumby

    Narrow is the road leading to LIFE and few will find it....whereas wide is the road to destruction and MANY will ENTER it.

    Christians aren't half as bad as the dubs.... cuz there's only gonna be about 3 or 4 billion killed when Jesus comes and stops the hearts of all those who don't follow him. He's a rascal I tell ya!


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