Where are you right this minute?

by coffee_black 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    I thought it might be interesting to see where everyone is...home...work...someplace interesting?

    I'm in the World Trade Center in Boston, sitting looking out at Boston Harbor. I have to do a presentation today at the Build Boston Show... a tradeshow for Architects and Builders. I'm early to avoid traffic, so I got a cup of coffee and intend to enjoy the view and conversation until I have to speak. Wireless is a beautiful thing!


  • iiz2cool

    I'm at work, sweating and bleeding for the benefit of my slave driving master. I look forward to getting my peanuts at the end of the day.


  • upside/down

    I'm in a hot tub full of hot babes, eating drinking and getting ready to "feel" Mary....

    Oh you meant in real life... I was in my happy place when I read your post.


  • GetBusyLiving

    I'm at work, bored out of my goard and basically just trying to stay awake. I'd love to be looking out over the Boston harbor right now.


  • cab1000

    Me? At home, in north central Indiana, in the middle of two corn / bean fields, which are still bare from late fall. My job today is to take care of a couple of kids, and work on my bathroom remodel.


  • love11

    I'm at home still trying to wake up, rainy days are always slow moving. I'm waiting on my son to get home off of the bus from pre-school. So it's just me and my dog all sleepy like. (If only I could find more emot-icon for what I'm feeling) hahhahaha

  • ljwtiamb

    I am in heaven posting from my new computer which hasn't been revealed to earth yet.

    All of your comments are being recorded in my book of life data flat file.

    This will eventually be compiled and entered into a database that will then be uploaded on to our central mainframe. We have a team of angelic application developers who are programming a gui frontend for bethel (our earthly branch) to access this information.

    The gb will then have instant access to all ex-jw's so that they can decide on your eternal punishment.

    Sorry for the late details.

  • kls

    I am in my house in the spare bedroom where i keep my computer and next to me is my dog snoring ( VERY LOUD )

  • coffee_black

    Well, just got beeped...time to go set up. I'll check back later.... this is interesting!


  • MerryMagdalene

    I'm in the back room of an old trailor house that is still in the process of being converted into something more house-like... in a tiny town along the Clearwater River (and the path Lewis & Clark took going ever westward) in Idaho. The only window in this room is my computer screen. Tea is brewing in the kitchen and I'll probably make scones for a late breakfast before diving into housework.

    The sky is grey but the clouds will likely blow through like they did yesterday and leave us unseasonably warm. My daughter was actually playing in her wading pool 2 days ago.

    I'm wearing... nevermind. That wasn't part of the question, was it?

    I enjoy hearing where others are and trying to imagine it...


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