How Many IN, OUT, etc.

by troubled 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I am an ex JW. I am 55 and my parents became dubs when I was 4 1/2 years old, so it was a lifetime for me. My husband was a Seventh Day Adventist (very similar) and his family became dubs when he was 15. We have been completely out for nearly 4 years. It was about this time of year, in 1997, afer I finished reading Crisis of Conscience, that I told my husband I would never go to the KH again, and neither of us ever did. We went to the book study for another few months, since it was at the home of some good friends, who are STILL good friends, because they made us feel welcome, and they wanted us to be there. They knew what we believed, and never betrayed us. He is an elder too!

    Hubby had been doing private research since 1991, and I finally saw what he had been telling me, in 1995. We decided to gradually fade out, and not be df'd. And it worked. Hubby resigned as an elder in July 1996, and we just very gradually stopped doing everything. I turned in fake field service reports for about two years, to keep them from making a call on me.

    Our daughter, Princess, and her husband saw it all about the same time, without any of us discussing it together. That is a true story!! They quit in the Fall 1996, and didn't go again. So they left first......not df'd either. Our eldest son quit about two years ago, but had been fading out too. His wife is just now seeing it all too. We are treating her gently, and not getting too excited about it. Our second son, was df'd twice. At age 28, he got reinstated and never went again. He got married 4 years ago to a woman who was never a dub. Our youngest son, left after we all did. He was in High School, and being used in the congregation a lot. He overheard some gossip about us, and walked out of the KH, in a rage, and never went back. When he started college later that year, he met a girl, a pastor's daughter, and began dating her, and joined her church. They were married yesterday. He is very happy in that church, and that's okay with us.

    Are we happier now? Definitely. No regrets. NO WAY!!!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • regan

    Mom was recruited via door to door in early 1970s when I was a toddler. I spent my childhood as a JW. There was physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse my entire childhood. Can you blame me for leaving the second I turned 18? I even tried to get help, but the elders always took the side of my jerk stepdad. I will NEVER go back. I have two boys and they are allowed to have a normal happy childhood complete with holidays and birthdays.For years after I stopped going to meetings, I still believed many of the teachings thanks to the brainwashing (I always wondered why there were sooooo many meetings! I hated it!) I thankfully never got baptized (though my JW friends turned the pressure on in my early teens)It wasn't until I got on the internet 4 years ago, that I found that there are SO many people out there with similar stories like mine, it can't possibly be coincidence. And all the sites that use the WTS OWN literature to point out all their lies and errors finally helped me break the chains totally. I don't think I can be any happier, I have a fulfilling life free of guilt and fear. I will NEVER go back.

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