How Many IN, OUT, etc.

by troubled 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kristen

    Hello there Troubled,
    I have been inactive for 5 years and totally stopped trying to attend meetings for 1. I was raised in the organization from age 3 and started having major issues at 24. In my heart I no longer want the affiliation but I haven't been pushed into declaring where I stand to a group of men. I have strong family ties that I am trying to preserve for the time being.

    With the exception of the frustration that goes along with my particular circumstance, I feel much more relieved and happy to have stepped away. I can pursue my own interests, attend school, and stop feeling guilty and concerned about trivial things. A world of people has opened up to me like never before. Merging in has been interesting to say the least. I've come a long way—but know the road ahead will have many more bumps. I'm readying for it because its the "path of thorns" I've chosen for myself.

    The first couple of years away was the hardest for me. It's gotten a heck of a lot easier though.


  • Moridin

    I was raised a JW from birth. I was pressured into baptism at the age of 14 and led a double life. On one hand I was leading the life of someone on their way to bethel and becoming an elder, (assembly and convention parts, talks, and priveldges in the hall, etc) and on the other hand having "worldly" girlfriends, sneaking out of the house, and drinking. I never believed most of what I was teaching, but was caught like most everyone else. I did fear God and felt that even though most of the teachings I felt were false, that God would fix them because the JW's had the "one true religion", of course getting access to a computer finally changed that. I totally left a year ago. Most of my family won't have anything to do with me, except for my father who is DA'd, my sister who is about to leave, and my mother who is still an active JW, but won't talk to me about religion. I have never been happier in my life. I no longer have to take Zoloft or any other anxiety pills, I no longer have nightmares of dying at armaggedon, now the nightmares consist of me going back to the religion!

  • SixofNine

    Kristen said:

    ....and stop feeling guilty and concerned about trivial things.

    When all is said and done, on this board and others, when the bad feelings, bad doctrine, etc. etc., have all been picked apart, dissected, examined to the n'th detail, pro'd, conned, championed, lambasted, sliced, diced and finally, tossed, I think what Kristen said sums up what we ALL have in common.

  • Helen

    out for a ton of years but still troubled because I have family still in.

  • Berean


    Your experience is almost the same as mine:
    You said: "I was baptised as a teen, pioneered and was an elder. I had some emotional trouble. I basically burned myself out(Thank you, organization). I found it stressful to go to meetings because I suffered from agoraphobia(Fear of going to any public place). I gradually overcame the phobia, but it left me emotionally exhausted."

    The only difference was that I never pioneered. I stepped aside as an elder about 2 1/2 years ago, they are wanting me to be an elder again and I just put them off until the next CO visit. I am thinking about doing so again, if nothing else, to try to blunt the blow to those being mistreated with man-made-laws.

  • nicolaou

    Your Status...
    What is your current JW status?
    Active 4%
    Inactive but still attend 12%
    Ex (definitely left) 75%
    Have never been a JW 3%

    Your feelings...
    If you have left, do you feel...
    Happier 78%
    Less Happy 3%
    About the Same 4%

    If you have not left do you...
    Have serious doubts 15%
    Have doubts but will wait 1%
    Accept it as the truth 0%

    Survey created by Simon
    Soooooo, 4% of respondants claim to be 'active' JW's and yet no-one accepts it as the 'Truth'!



  • mommy

    Wow, This is kinda like a getting to know you thread. There are a few here I have heard your stories before, but some of you newer ones, it is nice to hear them. I too was shocked by the results with so many happier now, and how no one believes the "truth" is the truth.

    I was raised in, spent 18 years in and about 3 weeks after my baptism, I left. I will never return, never, ever, ever. I will never blindly follow another man again. I will always believe with my heart, and will not be swayed by what others expect of me.

    Frenchy((((hugs)))) I have missed you I saw and respected your reply to me on the thread on god I started, I just wanted to let that one get buried Thanks for responding, and letting us know how you are, I have thought of you alot. Actually I wanted to resurrect some of your stories, for all the newbies. I hope you don't mind.

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • Andee

    I was born into the JWs but my parents became inactive when I was about 7 or 8. My Mother had been in since she was 5 when my Grandmother converted. She always hated it, but my Dad was in as were most of my Mom's family.

    I'm not sure of the details, but I do know my Father did something that got the elders snooping around. They even cornered my Mother to try and get info on him. Even though my Father did become inactive, he still believed the teachings.

    However, during this time, when my parents were inactive, my Grandmother, who lived with us, was a ferverent witness. She was well known in our neighborhood because she tried to convert anyone that crossed her path. Because of other big problems in our home I used to go with her to meetings, book studies, and service, in order to get out of a very stressful house. My parents had a very tumulteous marriage and my Father, a tyrant, was an alcoholic.

    I could go on and on about all the things I couldn't do as I young child. Anyone raised in the Org knows about this. Yet, I was allowed to play with worldly kids in the neighborhood and felt awful "knowing" they were doomed to die. I knew what I was told yet still couldn't understand because they were nice kids with nice parents who were very kind to me.

    I consider my official break with the Org when my Mother decided for us to celebrate Christmas. We didn't have a tree and nothing was wrapped, but she gave us all these "gifts" on December 25. I still remember the relief I felt that we weren't going back. We still had many relatives in but we weren't shunned.

    Then came 1981 and in infamous WT article. I can't quote it but it was about having no association with DF'ed relatives. My Aunt, my Mom's younger sister had been DF'd in 1965 for not showing enough remorse for a out of wedlock birth. She never reinstated. Right before this article, one of my cousins had planned a big luncheon for all the female relatives on my Moms side of the family. When that WT article came out the luncheon was cancelled and my Aunt, my Mom, along with their children, which included me, were shunned.

    I know this is becoming very long...Anyway, nearly 20 years go by when one of my JW uncles contacts me. He gets my email address and starts writing me. Then like a flood I start getting emails from several JW relatives. Cousins, an Aunt, etc. And here's the kicker! They want contact again! No apologies for the horrendous pain they have caused. They are completely oblivious to any suffering we have suffered. One JW cousin says we were never "actively" shunned. WTF?
    Active or Inactive it still hurts the same. These people played a very important part of my childhood and I still have a stain on my heart from all the trauma the Org has caused me in my life and I think that is why I find comfort here.

    I am grateful to everyone that has shared their story on this board.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    a nice survey. I've answered already.

    I do like Gsark comments. Very true.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Andee

    I apologize, Trouble,

    Your question was am I happier? Even though it's been 30 years (I'm nearly 40 now) and can't even imagine my adult life being a witness. Yes, even though I was a kid, I was much less conflicted in my heart after my family became inactive. The things I was taught, and told, just didn't reconcile to things I saw with my own two eyes. Of course I can make better sense of things now that I am an adult.

    I can't imagine putting my kids through what I went through in the Org. I always feel so awful when I see JW's out in service with their young children, well dressed and polished, out in service, training the brain dead of tomorrow.


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