by Mary 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever
    unbeliever I am curious now - who was doing the sex talk?

    Not me. I was selling tickets for the local FOP for a benefit they were putting on. I would call and get these men who wanted to play on the phone and they would talk really dirty. I even got an old man who asked me to marry him.

  • devinsmom

    Worst job ever:

    Definately being a JW, this would fall under the catagory of child labor, general duties of this most horrible job would include :

    -knocking on doors and peddling stupid magazines that no one wants

    -preparing for talks

    -studying for the watchtower

    -attending 5 hours of "work meetings" per week

    -being a "good little elder's daughter"

    -sitting in the school library during any kind of fun celebration, i.e: birthdays, christmas, etc...

    -getting picked on all the time at school for being "different"

    this is the abbreviated list of jw job duties

  • kaykay_mp

    The worst job I can think of was working as a cashier at McDonald's right after I graduated high school. In a matter or 3 months, I had my checkbook stolen from me right out of my locker, this fry cook tried to cop a feel/bang me behind the dumpster numerous times (kicked him in the nuts, but surprisingly I didn't lose my job), fell on my ass and nearly broke it because the manager (who was studying to be a Witless) decided it would be a good idea for me to mop after a messy birthday party, and last but not least, all the customers that would come in and give me the "I'm so much better than you because I'm not working here" look on their faces (the place happened to be in an upper-class neighborhood). I got my own back a couple of times, though (besides the nutcracker incident).

    The craziest thing to ever happen during my stint there was this Hindu family that came in and wanted cheeseburgers with no meat (which I understand why they don't eat meat). Gee, wouldn't it have been easier to grab some bread, cheese and butter at the grocery store and make some grilled cheese sandwiches? Guess you liked our bread better. Hmm, let me ring this up for you...7 cheeseburgers, no burger, let me go to the back and make sure the cook got the order right....

    The only good thing about the job was the seniors who would come in every day for their discount coffee. They always made me smile before the day got really bad. Except for one--this health nut guy would always come in and order his usual McGrilled Chicken (or whatever you call it) with nothing on it. It wasn't that--I was always getting crazy-ass orders--it was the fact that he stunk to high heaven of garlic and sweat. Sir, you know that they do make pills with garlic in them, right? Oh, ok. Smell ya later, sir.



  • confusedjw
    went from a salary of 10K per month plus bonuses and full bene's to "0" in nothing flat. Impressed all the Dubs and confounded all my "worldly" relatives. I was such an idiot.

    No really. Don't beat yourself up. Let's see that was $120,000 per year plus benefits and bonuses for another $40,000 - give or take. But really quitting that to hand out papers saying that the Generation that saw 1914 would see the end was a good plan.

    How many years did you pioneer? Let's say 5. So 5 x (120,000 + 40,000) = $800,000

    Just chalk it up to a learning experience.

  • poppers

    When I was 15 I worked at catching chickens in order for them to be shipped to a processing plant - 12 chickens per crate. This was in a series of barns in which each barn held 12,000 birds. I got pretty good at it actually - I could catch 6 chickens in 6 seconds.

    A couple of years before this I worked on a turkey farm. I had to catch them also, and hold them while they were innoculated in the neck with a large syringe containing penicillin.

  • berylblue

    Correcting spelling and grammar errors on an ex-JW site.

  • Mary
    When I was 15 I worked at catching chickens in order for them to be shipped to a processing plant - 12 chickens per crate. This was in a series of barns in which each barn held 12,000 birds.

    poppers, I think sum of those chickens you caught found there way to me at that lousy frozen chicken factory!!

  • Beachbender

    Preston, WoW! Ok that was a very baddd job! Could be a movie!

  • Preston
    Preston, WoW! Ok that was a very baddd job! Could be a movie!

    Thanks for your condolences Beach, I don't know who could play me in the movie. The guy in all those Samuel Adams commercials is a dead ringer for my boss, and Paris Hilton could be the VP. - Preston

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    3rd shift shelve stocking at some local supermarket.

    Alright, I was desperate for $$$.


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