by Gill 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    So, if it's the case that if Prince has been baptized as a JW, and is now one of their fully ordained ministers, someone who's had to go through the baptism questions etc and put in his 10 hours a month etc... then surely most of us wicked apostates would, in theory still 'qualify' to be a JW, as nothings really changed for Prince in his life, other than getting married.

    Or does he qualify more to be a tool of the FDS, despite his 'ways' because he's got more money than us rif-raf?

  • cyber-sista

    I was skipping past the oscars and caught a glimpse of prince and thought he looked oh so arrogant and not the least bit humble in my opinion. Why is he allowed to do all he does and the average JW is told to display lowliness of mind?


  • Dustin

    I always thought the story of Prince being a JW was funny. The dude obvioussly does it to make himself feel better about himself. He's the type that can do no wrong in the eyes of the elders. They use him as the shining example of how people can change. Complete BS in my opinion.


  • Gill

    Perhaps he's a 'fake' JW!

    Maybe he should be 'outed'!

    Would he make a huge fuss if he was disfellowshiped and maybe take the GB to court? How embarrassing for them!

  • BrendaCloutier

    All I could think of while Prince was doing his Academy Awards intro was "gosh, he has facial hair!"

    I'm sooooo stumbled.

    Gill, that experience is priceless

  • whyamihere

    I remember not to long ago Prince got an award. While he was giving his speech and he used the term "Wicked System" I laughed so hard it was like a fricken talk!


  • Gill

    Brenda...what do you mean he has facial hair!

    When I think of the trouble my poor cousin had when he grew a little goatee beard....and Prince gets away with it.....get some elders to go kick his!

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    Why is he allowed to do all he does and the average JW is told to display lowliness of mind?

    Ain't it the troof, cybersis ....

    but, i continue to display 'lowliness of mind' .... for it dwells in darkest and unseemliest of places ....


  • Dustin

    Gill, I would love to see him get the boot and take the governing body to court. I would be watching court T.V. 24/7. That would just be awesome. I wonder if Prince would win.


  • Gill

    Whyamihere - so that's how he gets his time in. He pops a few WTBTS phrases into his speeches and before you know it, if you count getting up on the stage, positioning the microphone etc, you've got an hour in. If you recognise some of the faces at your next speech you've got 30 - 40 RVs in as well! He's not daft. Wouldn't surprise me if he was able to Auxilary Pioneer with a technique like that!

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