SHUNNING AT A TIME OF BEREAVEMENT..i told them what i think

by chuckyy 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AlmostAtheist
    It just does not sound like the Christian Jehovah's Witness community I am associated with.

    Hey Dave,

    When a guy in my wife's old congregation died suddenly at 38 from a heart attack, several people hugged and consoled his DF'd daughter. It's a human reaction, many just can't avoid doing what their essence tells them MUST be right. But the Watchtower rule is being violated when it happens. Is it enforced in those circumstances? I doubt there are many if any examples of people being disfellowshipped for consoling a DF'd person after a death.

    What you're seeing is people saying, "this rule just can't apply here, it doesn't make any sense" and doing what they personally think is best. The Watchtower would call it rebellion. I call it being a human being.

    Most of us here have a problem with the Watchtower, not with jehovah's witnesses as individuals.


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