Jehovahs Witness and the internet

by Dragonlady76 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dragonlady76

    I was reading another thread of the high # of defections within the org, and this lead me to question:

    When and if, do you think the org will totally ban JW's use of the internet?

    I think it will happen, they are starting to see a big drop and need to curtail it some how, and they know that many surf the web and come across sites like this, and once people discover all the coverups and the "New light" stuff and personal stories, their are going to be questions that lead to being Df'd or Da's. What do you guys think?

  • confusedjw

    I really hope they do. It will help those who aren't totally "cult"ivated. It will force some to think.

    But no I don't think they would go that far. Unless.........they made it a requirement that you don't have internet to get appointed to being a pioneer or servant.

    But no, they wouldn't do that either.

  • IP_SEC

    Never, the web is too pervasive in western society. It'd be like banning TV. Kiddos now have to use the web for school, and how many of you have atleast high speed access at work?

    It's a sad fact for them, they cant get rid of it, and to try and do so would just alienate more people. I think they will just stick to the warnings and watch their kingdom slip away.

    Thank goodness for this great tool to share knowledge and ideas around the world.

  • jgnat

    Such a ban would severely curtail JW employment opportunities.

    Also, consider the sudden drop in e-mail preaching work?

    I think the severe warnings are close enough to a ban. It will keep the elderly off the internet for sure. It will drive more teenagers here for sure.

  • freedom96

    I don't think they will try to ban the internet completely, but they will continue to discourage it.

    Hopefully, because of just that, some will look, and see the real truth behind the WTS.

    If the WTS were ever to crumble, the internet will have a huge impact on it. Think about it, before the net, no one had access to all the information that we have regarding the witnesses.

  • bikerchic
    It will keep the elderly off the internet for sure. It will drive more teenagers here for sure.

    Example of this is my Mom, she has Juno for her email and no Internet service because it's so bad! She also has basic if not antena TV because it's so bad. I've told her for years Mom you have an OFF/BACK button use these!!!! But nope some how the demons sneak into your house via the tube! It's such a shame that she is so "cult"ivated! BTW confused very good use of words!


  • ithinkisee

    I think what they'll do is get the R&F to automatically dismiss ANYTHING from the Internet if it didn't come from an official WT site.

    They will probably do this by citing examples in yearbooks, at assemblies, and in the Kingdom Ministry about people that were deceived by information on the Internet. They probably won't even use any "apostate" examples - and in fact might use harmless information. Maybe they'll use something cheesey like "driving directions" or wacky "medical advice" or something like that. That will get them thinking along the lines of not trusting Internet information even if it seems legit. This "preps" their minds to accept the counsel later on that they are REALLY worried about. So, at a later date they will drive it home with "apostate" information. Since their minds are all ready to accept that non-JW Internet info is wrong - even if it's not apostate - they can get people to pretty much discount ANYTHING found on the Internet.

    Growing up in it. . .I've got their number now.

    Keep all your hard copies of stuff. I used to have ALL my Watchtowers from the 80's filed away. I am SOOOO kicking myself for throwing them out a few years ago. "Who needs all that when you have the WT CD-ROM?"


  • FreeWilly

    I think the internet will either: 1) continue the slow bleed of JW's to greater obscurity. 2) force them to change, become more mainstream and finally admit they don't speak for God or have special insight. I think they latter is inevitable especially when the "old guard" passes.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    we are all forgetting the determination of these "followers"....

    If a court order cannot stop them from preaching ( we all know they take their que from "Jehovah Almight")

    ...the simple communications through the internet are not going to cow them over. They will simply disregard the internet as anything useful in their preaching .

    Ban its use? I doubt it....

  • Dragonlady76

    Those are some good theories and ideas posted but, they are losing lots of folks, (almost 1 mil in 3 years, yikes!) and they have taken a hard line on so many other things, why not the web, They may say at school the kids can use it for educational reasons or at work if you need it, but at home there will be some kind of crackdown.

    I doubt org will just allow themselves to continue bleeding like this, and it will get only worse, they need people to make $ for them and spread the word, oh and control every aspect of their lives. (can't forget that!)


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