Trying to find an old picture

by stevenyc 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stevenyc


    I wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, I think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if I remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god. The god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( I think) and horns.

    Does anyone have a scan.



  • RunningMan

    Yes, I remember the picture well. I'll see what I can find.

  • AlmostAtheist

    This isn't from the book, but it fits the description:


  • stevenyc


    I think the perspective was from the front of the idol and below. But it looks like this was taken from a different angle, If you know what I mean.


  • rebel8

    I don't have the pic or book, but I think the name of the book you're talking about was something like From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, written in the '70s (?) if that helps your search.

  • stevenyc

    Rebel8 - yes your right," The paradise book".

    If anyone has a copy and a scanner I'd apprieciate a lot.



  • Robdar
    I don't have the pic or book, but I think the name of the book you're talking about was something like From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, written in the '70s (?) if that helps your search.

    They re-released it in the 70's? I guess that they weren't satisfied with just scaring the JW children during the 60's.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    My mother has a copy somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it out when I'm at her house on Monday.

    I remember when I was a kid I used to call the idol in the pic Molech the moo-cow. Makes him sound kinda friendly dunnit.

  • candidlynuts

    is this the pic?

  • stevenyc

    I never thought the day would come when an ostrich would bring me something that would scare the sh!t out of me!

    Thanks candidlynuts.

    I'm collecting JDub objects that had an adverse affect on my childhood. This picture scared/scarred me so much I remember having a waking-dream of two of those creatures in my bedroom, one staring at me and one at my brother.

    My first study was with my mother, from the paradise book. This picture TERRIFIED me. My mother would make me promise her things and would use the threat of "Jehovah's Watching". All I would think of is that picture.

    This is the first time I've seen this picture in about twenty years, and it still scares me. Thats FU*Ked UP!!


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