The intcal13 dataset: The best evidence I know of for C14 dating.

by bohm 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    " They want us to accept ever-changing new light but not consider how far science has come in 30 years. "

    I was thinking about this the other day, the Information Control they exercise over JW's is so thorough and so strong that just nothing of the discoveries and progress made in recent decades gets through.

    The various branches of Science have really moved on, and it seems that nearly all of these advances either debunk the JW teachings or make them redundant.

    Just take Archaeology for example, since it "grew up" as a Science in recent decades, and began to look at the discoveries with a scientific eye, the work in the Biblical lands has shown quite clearly that the Bible is without doubt simply of the genre known as  Historical Fiction.

    A few decades ago, nearly every Archaeologist working in the bible lands tried to make his findings fit with what the Bible said, which is still the agenda of some, true, but most now will report their finds for what they are, and with caveats about reading into them proof for Bible stories.

    This more honest approach has produced some interesting results, proof that Camels were not domesticated in Patriarchal times, and that a number of places mentioned in Genesis etc simply did not exist as towns or settlements of any kind at that time in History, for example.

    None of this gets a mention in the world of JW's.

  • Perry

    I'm not supportive of Watchtower theology, but after my families' experience with authority figures in the WT, I doubt much of what gets passed off as fact in our world. See above link for a pro & con discussion on dating. 

  • bohm

    Perry: Can you explain the correlation between C14 dating and the external dating methods in the above plot? Is  it chance?

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