The Holocaust - do we need to know?

by eyeslice 197 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    I actually watched the first programme last night.

    The most frightening thing about the whole Nazi regime, was not the actual number of Jews they murdered as they murdered many other groups as well, but how they got people into the mindset where ordinary people could commit atrocities. We have a big lesson to learn from this.

    The Nazis used propaganda to de-human the groups they hated. They refered to Jews and others as vermin. Once you get people to think of others as not being worthy as being human, it becomes easier to use the mob mentality to get people to turn on the objects of your hatred.

    We must continually remind ourselves and teach our children and all generations;

    1. Respect for all humans, regardles of race, social standing, wealth or lack of, physical disablility or mental capacity
    2. Never ever to deny or minimise what has happened in the past - the reality that it can happen again


  • Mary
    your idiocy and PC fanatism is hilarious.

    Ya, that's about the sort of stupid response I'd expect from you.

  • Xena
    everyone who considers himself jewish and who is a recognized member of the jewish community is a jew.

    so then a surname does not a jew make? that definition kinda makes your list a bit on the worthless side when it comes to supporting that conspiracy of yours..hhmmm?

  • Realist


    as usual it would have been better had you stuck to the less intellectually challenging topics.

    No one claimed the list is based on the names. duh

  • Xena


    after the list of names was posted by you this conversation ensued:


    And how can you tell a persons religion? From their last name? Not all Jews have "berg" in their name, and not all "berg", "steins", whatevers... are Jewish.


    by religious association of either the person itself or the parents. how do you think the nazis detrmined who a jew was? simply by looking at the ancestry.


    jews by the definition of jews are those born from a jewish mother. jewish imo are all those viewing themselves as jewish and identifying with jews as a group.


    So you can't go by surname, then?


    b) in many cases the name can be misleading of course.


    My point is that through religion, surname or birthright you have a broad definition of what constitutes a Jew.
    Based on that definition you make an attack on the constitutionally agreed makeup of the USA leadership.


    the definition is very simple. everyone who considers himself jewish and who is a recognized member of the jewish community is a jew.

    and oh am i so sorry for critizising the devine makeup of the US leadership.

    So which definition did you and/or whomever compiled this list use to determine who is jewish and to what extent? Seems like you never really pinned that down for us, but then you know me...dumb blonde that I am...I'm sure it's there somewhere I just missed it.

    Interesting quote I found on one of the sites that touts this list out:

    (When Hitler reluctantly started to implement his "final solution", in dealing with German Jews, was he trying to rid his country of the stranglehold that a tiny monolithic minority of his citizens had over the country's destiny? Whatever else he was, he was no dummy! What did he know - about which we are as yet blissfully unaware?)
    but hey I'm sure that's just a coincidence
  • Satanus
  • Satanus
  • Satanus

    The transcript:

    Daily Express Friday, March 24, 1933

    Judea declares war on Germany

    Jews of All The World Unite in Action




    "Daily Express" Special Political Correspondent.ALL Israel is uniting in wrath against the Nazi onslaught on the Jews in Germany.

    Adolf Hitler, swept into power by an appeal to elemental patriotism, is making history of a kind he least expected. Thinking to unite only the German nation to race consciousness he has roused the whole Jewish people to a national renaissance.

    The appearance of the Swastika symbol of a new Germany has called forth the Lion of Judah, the old battle symbol of Jewish defiance.

    Fourteen million Jews dispersed throughout the world have banded together as on man to declare war one the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in on common aim - to stand by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorised by Hitlerist anti-Semitism, and to compel Fascist Germany to end its campaign of violence and suppression directed against its Jewish minority.

    World Jewry has made up its mind not to rest quiescent in face of this revival of medieval Jew-baiting.

    Germany may be called on to pay a heavy price for Hitler's antagonism to the Jews. She is faced with an International boycott in commerce, finance, and ministry. She may find herself in spiritual and cultural isolation, recoiling before the burning crusade that Jews of all lands are launching in defence of their afflicted brethren.

    The Jewish merchant prince is leaving his counting-house, the banker his board-room, the shopkeeper his store, and the pedlar his humble barrow a holy war to combat the Hitlerist enemies of the Jew.


    Plans for concerted Jewish action are being matured in Europe and America to strike back in reprisal at Hitlerist Germany.

    In London, New York, Paris, and Warsaw, Jewish merchants are uniting for a commercial crusade against Germany

    Resolutions are being taken throughout the Jewish business world to seve trade relations with Germany.

    Large numbers of merchants in London have resolved to stop buying German goods, even at the cost of suffering heavy loss.

    Similar action is being taken throughout the United States. Mass meetings in New York and other American cities attended by hundreds of thousands of indignant Jews, have called for a wholesale boycott of German goods. In Poland the trade embargo on Germany is already in operation. In France a proposed ban on German imports is being widely canvassed in Jewish circles.

    A concerted world boycott by Jewish buyers is likely to involve grave damage to the German export trade. Jewish merchants all over the world are large buyers of German manufactured goods, chiefly cotton goods, silks, toys, electrical fittings, and furniture.

    A meeting of the Jewish textile trade in London has been called for Monday to consider the situation and to determine what steps should be taken in regard to Germany.


    Germany is a heavy borrower in foreign money markets, where Jewish effluence is considerable. Continued anti-Semitism in Germany is likely to react seriously against her. A move is on foot on the part of Jewish financiers action to stop.

    Germany's Transatlantic shipping traffic is likewise threatened. The Bremen and the Europa, the German crack liners, may suffer heavily from a Jewish anti-German boycott. Jewish trans-ocean travellers from an important part of the patrons of these liners because of their extensive part in international trade. The loss of their patronage would be a heavy blow to Germany's Atlantic trade.

    World-wide preparations are being made to organise great Jewish demonstrations of protest to call attention to the sufferings of the German Jews at the hands of the Hitlerites, and to demand action to stop German anti-Semitism.

    The whole of American Jewry has been roused to an unprecedented heat of indignation agents Germany. A rabbinical decree in New York has made next Monday a day of fasting and prayer over the Hitler campaign.

    Fasting will begin on Sunday at sunset and finish at sunset on Monday. All Jewish shops in New York will be closed on Monday during a parade.

    Apart from a monster meeting in Madison Square Garden, meetings are to be held in 300 American cities.

    Madison Square Garden will see the remarkable sight of Bishop Manning peaking from a Jewish platform appealing for an end of the Hitler "terror".

    Every Rabbi in the City of New York has been placed under a scared obligation by Rabbinical decree to devote Saturday's sermon to the plight of the Jews in Germany.

    The "New York Times" this morning says a list of a thousand German immigrations who have come to the United States during recent years has been compiled by an overseas Nazi organisation, the object being to use these people for Nazi propaganda in the United States.


    The organisation of Jewish youth in Britain is organising demonstrations in London and the provinces during the week-end.

    The Board of Deputies of British Jews, representing the entire Jewish community in Great Britain, is meeting in special session on Sunday to discuss the German situation and decide on what action is to be taken to counteract the attacks on their German fellow Jews.

    Members of the American House of Representatives are introduction resolutions protesting against the anti-Jewish express in Germany. The American trade unions, representing 3,000,000 workers, have also decided to join in the protests.

    Representative Jewish organisations in the European capitals are understood in to be making representations to their respective Governments to use influence with the Hitler Cabinet to induce it to call a halt in the oppression of the German Jews.

    The old and reunited people of Israel are rising with new and modern weapons to fight this age old battle with their persecutors.

  • Kenneson


    Now there's a real war--a boycott by the Jews worldwide on the German economy. Now, that must have been Hitler's real reason for declaring war on the Jews in Germany! Or did the Jews engage in a boycott because of the anti-Semitism they were already experiencing? I'm confused. Who waged war upon whom?

  • Leolaia

    Jewish renaissance, my ass.

    Was this before or after Kristelnacht?

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