by vitty 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    We had, wait for it.....................home made beef curry and it was fantastic

    I was going to make a dinner, but since there only 3 of us and were not quite there yet, we decided to have our favorite....curry ym

    If the day ever comes and my daughter and her man are OUT ill have the biggest christmas ever.

    But for now, I feel a little empty, and id feel fake, you know TRYING to enjoy it

    Anyway have a great day everyone

  • Sirona

    Going off to my mum and stepdads soon. She is JW but makes him a "turkey dinner". Yorkshire puddings, turkey, pork, sprouts, carrots, potatoes, roast potatoes...yum yum yum!

    Then cointreau trifle for dessert / or xmas pudding.

    Just off to watch the queen.


  • mrsjones5

    Since we cant go to Ohio I've decided to make some chicken gumbo and cornbread muffins

    Mrs Jones

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Steak and baked potatoes. My favorite meal in the whole wide world.

    with mudslides to wash it down....mmmm

  • harleyquinn

    i'm off to my best friend's house for xmas lunch/dinner thing....not sure what we're having, but i know the cooking will be phenomenal!!!

  • Englishman

    Turkey, roast potatoes, sprouts with chestnuts, carrots and swede mased together, parsnips roasted in parmesan, bread sauce, kidney & sage stuffing, cranberry sauce, Christmas pud and cream.



  • morty

    I am cooking X-mas dinner today for 22.I All of my family are coming except my brother, his wife and my neice......They live in the states and I guess they were pounded with snow.They left this morning to come and turned around on the freeway as there was a 4 cars/trucks in the ditch and one car smashed into a tree..( god I hope they are all ok) We will get by without them but I was looking so forward to the hole family being together for x-mas dinner for the first time...

    I am doing a 20lb turkey with potatoes ( both regular and sweet) rolls,cabbage, turnups,corn, dressing ( the best part) and of course the cranberrys and gravy.I have apple crisp and home made vanilla icecream ( got a icecream maker for x-mas) to top it off with... and also some squares...

    Tomorrow we are having dinner at my husbands side of the family...There, we will have ham,and moose..I cannot say that I like moose but everyone else in the family gets excited about it...Her ham is the best though...She also does potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes,peas, carrots and homemade coleslaw....Then it is wrapped all up with homemade chritmas pudding and sauces....

    Hoping you and yours has the best dinner this holiday.....

    Morty of the show me the couch class and give me a years membership for x-mas to get pass all the bloody food!!!!!

  • cruzanheart

    *wondering how long it will take to get to Englishman's house*

    Nina (of the Drooling Class)

  • Narkissos

    Typically French Christmas menu:

    Homemade foie gras with a white mellow Saussignac.

    Truffled poularde on caramelised chicory with a 1993 Pommard (the last bottle unfortunately).

    Dalloyau chocolate Yule log with an excellent Champagne.

    Joyeux Noël!

  • Elsewhere

    I went to Sonic and tipped the girl three dollars for working on Christmas Eve.

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