fell away.......wanna come back...please help.

by Tiggerchick1012 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia
    More recently,...probably since my son was born I am feeling very depressed and just high strung. I want to go back to the meetings and become a full time witness again

    Welcome to the board! It sounds like you are experiencing post-partum depression.... Becoming a JW will not help you, talking to your doctor about it will...

    As someone else said, the JW way of life is a horrible way for children to be raised. 5 meetings a week, hours and hours sitting in the Kingdom Hall, not allowed to move or do anything beside listening to boring talks.... yes they are very boring to kids, and many adults too... not allowed to participate in all fun school activities, not allowed to have friends who are not JWs... no Christmas, no Thanksgiving, no Halloween, no Mother's day... etc... then later strongly discouraged to go to College, but encouraged to become a full-time magazine peddler for the Watch Tower Society... and what about the blood issue? Would you obey the Watch Tower directives of rather let your child die than saving him by giving him a blood transfusion?

    Read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, talk to your doctor about Postpartum depression, take it easy, a baby is a lot of work and mothers often forget to take care of themselves first....

    Take care, and my best wishes.

  • M.J.

    Wow. Your situation sounds almost exactly like that of my wife's after we got married. I was in your husband's shoes. I won't try and convince you the WTS is not God's organization. But I do urge you to be understanding of your husband's position. Don't misinterpret any of his objections as Satan's plot. Don't let communication break down. There are plenty of examples where marriages broke up over this. Please be open and willing to examine all the info before making a decision. People generally read up more on a company they want to invest in or a car they want to buy than a religious organization they want to dedicate their whole life to. Your reaction is the same that my wife had. Triggered by the birth of our son. It is a reaction of fear. Fear is so powerful, but don't let it overrule your rational judgement. There's so much I can say about this about the experience of my wife getting back in. Don't know where to start. For one, it's the reason I'm here. If you like, send me a message. Thanks.

  • Sunnygal41
    you are not weak, just do some research. What good will it do your son to teach him gloom & doom & death & destruction? Just love your family & yourself! You don't owe anyone else anything more. There is so much more love & beauty in life than to try & run the watchtower treadmil, believing salvationn is as good as your last meeting attendance & "service" time!

    Couldn't have said it any better, myself, GWO. Wonderfully put!


  • Country_Woman

    just stay at home, and get information re the Watchtower - also go to your docter

  • redhotchilipepper

    Hi, I feel for you! It does sound like post pardom depression to me as well. What is the weather like right now in your area. Is it really dreary. That can have a big affect on ones mood as well. When I had my daughter we tried going back to meetings and it only made my depression worse. There is alot of pressure and deadlines in the truth/Org. Do you think that going to meetings 3 times a week and trying to go out in service with your little one is going to help your situation. They will probably encourage you to have a bible study as well. That will be really hard with your baby. You will feel alot of pressure. That is how I felt. It seriously pushed me over the edge. I had a nervous break down from it. Post pardom depression is a serious thing. You need to take care of yourself. I would suggest some down time by yourself if possible. It only has to be once a week. You don't have to go to the Kingdom Hall to be close to God. Pray! He is there to listen to you any time. You don't need a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses to tell you that. Meetings, with the baby crying. Think about it. STRESS!!!!! Your husband doesn't want this. It will cause division in your marriage. I would have a serious talk with him about it. You don't need to talk to us girl, you need to talk to your man. Be close to him. Talk! It's ok. Don't be afraid to tell him how you feel! For me I found that the Jehovah's Witnesses sucked the life out of me. Instead of giving me a hope of life, they sucked it out of me. I finally feel like I'm getting my life back. It really is refreshing. ((((Hugs)))) RHCP, all the best to you and in your decision!

  • NewLight2

    Hi and welcome to the board!

    I suggest that along with Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, that you read both of Steve Hassan's books: "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds".

    Please be assured that ALL, and I do mean ALL, the guilt that you are feeling right now has been placed there by the Watchtower leaders as a "tactic to control the flock". This guilt is not real, it is a FALSE guilt. Without this 'guilt/fear/shame' trip that has been placed onto everyone's shoulders at the KH, very few would stay.

    Since you are already out, please, please do NOT go back again. Your child will thank you for this decision when he becomes an adult. The Watchtower is no place to raise kids. Check out SilentLambs.Org

    I recommend that you check out these web pages also:

    Jehovah's Witnesses: A Critical Analysis

    These two contain many links to important information regarding the Watchtower Society.

    NewLight2's Links Page

    Johannes Greber's Home Page

    Contine to read and post on this board,

  • Elsewhere

    Hey everyone... I doubt we will be hearing back from that person.

  • whyamihere

    I too am 24 and I have 2 children! My husband and I feel away from the truth. Not together he was first! I pushed and pushed thinking this was the truth and I too want to give my kids the chance to live forever. However, I learned the whole truth! Remember why you Dissasociated yourself in the first place. What was that reason?

    I say follow your heart and give your child and yourself every chance in what life has to offer. I too need to read a few things by Ray Franz I think it will help me know that what I am doing is right. I am keeping my kids from those that lie, cheat, ruin lives of families, shun, and hide the truth...etc...I am sick of it. I want my kids to be happy and that's why I am leaving. I do not want to raise my kids in fear of men! I don't want them to grow up under man made laws!

    Brooke WI

  • Mulan

    It's hard to get their programming out of your head, isn't it?

    I recommend reading "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan. I believe it will help you tremendously.

    I was raised as a JW from the age of 4, but learned it was definitely not what I thought it was at age 50. The deprogramming took years and my husband and I regret very much all the missed opportunities for our children. We didnt' give them holiday and birthday memories, and they had no education opportunities, beyond high school. Since we left the JW's, our children have all followed, and the youngest who is now 25, is in college, studying to be a lawyer, so he didn't miss that one.

    The paradise is a carrot, they hold out for you, but it isn't real. Read all you can get your hands on, including Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, a former Governing Body member, and you can begin the process of learning the real truth too.

    Please think twice, and even ten times, before you try to go back. You will likely ruin your marriage.

  • Bryan

    Everyone is making very good points.

    I too left the organization; twice. Since I have left the second time I have been able to look at the organization from the outside and realize just how toxic it is. They have bred guilt deep inside you as they have all of us. Please try and look beyond your emotional guilt and fear of you and your child dying because you are not one of them. That's how they control you... that fear and guilt.

    Remember, the scripture say to continually check to see if what you are being taught is really the truth. Please do your research and make sure of all things.

    Best regards,


    Have You Seen My Mother

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