JW Beliefs

by treefrog 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.
    I try to be his friend, but he just pushes me away.

    If you approach him with the same attitude you display in your posts, I can see why he would push you away. Be a little more conciliatory and understanding that he believes what he believes for many strong reasons. Perhaps not the right reasons, but strong reasons, nonetheless. By having a condemning attitude you are only confirming his prejudices about your faith. I'm not trying to tear you down, just offering some advice.

  • NewLight2


    I know you mean well, but . . .

    You must realize that most of these people are EX-jw's - meaning that they have already left or are leaving that cult with very huge wounds that need much healing. Most of the people here are very nice to "newbies", but you have come in here with 'your guns drawn, ready to shoot them down'. I suggest you stop posting for a while and read the following threads. That will give you a 'feel' for what this site really is.

    Examples of threads started by first-timers to this site:
    New here, would like to say hello

    Please help me understand

    Depressed and about to lose it

    You sound like you have read a few "counter-cult" books and now you think that you are 'prepared' to make every jw run from their religion. BTW, just what books HAVE you been reading??

    When you finish reading the three above threads then I would advise you to spend some time reading threads in these forums:

    Personal Experiences & Reunions

    Scandals & Coverups

    Happy reading!!


  • Mastodon

    If you really want to get close to him, may I suggest a banana in one hand and a jar of vaseline in the other? If he gets pissed, just roll-up a watchtower and hit him over the nose until he learns to get along...or better yet, tell him you'll disfellowship him form the house, they're terrified of that word.

  • NewLight2

    Ok TreeFrog, I've found just the right thread for you today:

    Let's play 'Devils Advocate'. .
    "Try to convince me that the doctrines of the 'Governing Body' and the 'Fathful and Discreet Slave Class' as taught by Jehovahs Witnesses cannot possibly be correct. I will try to defend these beliefs as best as I can - or at least as best as I used to defend them some years ago."

    Post Away, TreeFrog, and ENJOY yourself!!


  • Leolaia

    Looks like maybe Treefrog has hopped on to new trees....

  • amac

    He's probably gone, but...

    I don't think you are bad people, just very badly misguided.

    I'll pray for all of you.

    You pompous twit...how's that for hostility. I don't need your prayers because God probably looks at you and says "You pompous twit." Your religion has a few bad eggs? That's funny. You have the light? That's even funnier. You preach a loving God....but if you don't believe he is loving then he will let you be spit roasted in an eternal hell? Get lost...

  • Mastodon

    Hostility? what hostility? C'mon, so he's Catholic, so what? Nobody's perfect!!!!! And may you all roast in hell for attacking him (according to his church.) :)

  • gdt

    Is it awful to be laughing like mad at this thread? at least it kept a few off the street!!

    cheers laughing like mad, gdt

  • jgnat

    GDT, I am chuckling, too. Kind of like having a best friend show up at a bowling game in his bathing suit.

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