How would you answer this?

by NewLight2 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    P.S. Newlight, you cite Was C.T. Russell a Mason? Did you actually read the article? How can you conclude that Russell was a Freemason? He is addressing Masons who are in the audience and is applying symbolical and Biblical meanings to Masonic terms. He is cordial to them and trying to convert them, but I don't see how this makes him one?

    The Cross and Crown symbols are certainly not exclusive to Knights Templars. Numerous religious groups make use of them. In our own City Cemetery here, there is a gigantic tombstone of a woman with this very emblem on it. She was Episcopalian.

    Rosemount Cemetery, where Russell is buried is not a Masonic cemetery. It (and Russell's tomb made in 1916) existed long before the modern Masonic Lodge was built across from it.

  • NewLight2

    "How can you conclude that Russell was a Freemason?"

    No where on my pages do I say that Russell was a "Freemason" himself.
    The point that I'm making is that, in the past, the Watchtower Society has used "pagan symbols" on their publications. Therefore, there ARE pagan roots to the Watchtower Society or they would not have allowed those symbols to appear on their publications.

  • Brummie

    Eagle, here ya go, a pagan symbol on left hand top corner, now you cant say you've never seen it:) Hope this helps. We can all talk about the catholics and other religions on other boards, this one is an exjw board so its no surprise that we are focusing in on the WT.

  • Brummie

    darn it aint showing so you still havent seen it after all

  • jwsons
  • Kenneson


    I thought your e-mail was about Masonic symbols and the Watchtower Society. Your reference to "pagan symbols" would be more apropos. Since Russell and some of the Masons made use of the Great Pyramid, both took it from the Egyptians, who were pagans. However, Russell was not the first to "Christianize" the Great Pyramid. The Second Adventists (not to be confused with Seventh Day Adventists) did it before him and of course we know that Russell borrowed a lot of ideas from them. He placed such importance on what he considered "the Bible in stone", that the Watch Tower Society erected near his tombstone a pyramid monument. Of course, later on, the Watch Tower abandoned this view altogether. The sun-winged disc is also Egyptian in origin, but I don't know how Russell viewed it or why he used it. I will have to research this one.

  • NewLight2


    The title of my "links page" is as follows:

    "The Occult, Egypt and the Watchtower"

    On that page is this:
    "A Winged Solar Disk On a JW Assembly Hall, Queens, New York"

    The above link title will open to a page entitled:

    "Masonic Symbols and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses)"
    "A Jehovah's Witness Assembly Hall With Masonic Symbols On Building!!!"

    It was the above page that the emailer was inquiring about. All of my statements are correct, since the building in question WAS a Masonic Hall prior to being purchased by the Watchtower. The major theme of my pages in question are correct also, since the title of the first page was:

    "The Occult, Egypt and the Watchtower"

    My pages do not claim that C T Russel was a Mason himself. That conclusion was made ONLY by posters to this thread. When "Eagle" asked be to respond to his questions in the email, I did include links to several other pages that were not mine. I did this because he had asked me (quote):

    "Dude where or even better who did you run into to get such a whacked point of view."

    I hope this clairifies the matter for you. In fact, the original reason I made the page about the Assembly Hall was that someone had asked for the URL to the pictures on a forum. I had the pix saved on diskette so I quickly made the page and posted MY URL.

    There are many questions to be answered regarding the early history of C T Russell and the Watchtower that no one will probably ever be able to answer for sure, but those of us with "inquiring minds" will keep asking anyway.


  • NewLight2


    Here is a current thread in progress that will show you just how hurtful the Religion of the Watchtower can be:

    Depressed and about to lose it by AloneinOH


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