advice needed--please respond

by lisaBObeesa 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Lisa's Mom, so sorry for the terrible spot that you are in. As for the morality of fibbing a bit to get your family and friends back??? C'mon, we KNOW the answer to that one.

    As to whether you will be better off after trying this, who knows. But it sounds like you might. I think even I could pull that off, but then I know I would open my big mouth and probably end up in the hot seat again quickly. So REMEMBER your priorities!

    One thing I realized, as I was contemplating my life leaving the org, was that I would likely come across many situations where I would just have to be "bigger" than the situation, "bigger" than the other person. "Bigger" in these cases means "better", and that is not an easy thing to do. But it can be a noble thing to do, to be.

    My situation is such that, I feel that someday, before to long, some elders are gonna wanna have a li'l chat with me. I've just about come to the conclusion that I will hit them with every hard question in the book. Then, when they are dazed and confused and punch drunk, yet happy that they have the "ace in the hole" question for me, they'll ask me: "do you believe that the fds is Gods channel on earth?", "YES", I'll say, with a conviction that would get me a scholarship to Juliard. "yes, of course! It's just's just that....I just have these questions that I can't seem to get answers for, perhaps I should just wait till the C.O. or some other really spiritual man is around?"

    No reason they shouldn't feel like the worthless window weights that they are.

  • unclebruce

    G'day Yaduff,

    Would you believe me if I told you that I just got back from one?

    Yes I would. You have personal integrity. Is that what you're telling me? Now what did you wanna start going back there for? Better you than me ol' fella - if I wanna feel all smug and superior I just go for a walk with the hound, it's cheaper and doesn't involve too many many mind games or bible gymnastics

    You have personal cred yaduff but please don't equate that with knowledge of ultimate truth in this garden of good and evil. God knows what the ultimate absolute truth is .. or does she? ;)

    There are many different types of spirituality backwoodsman. A neigbour of mine is an old hippy and we've spent the past week collecting rocks together in the surrounding forest. Each rock has a beauty of its own, some are blue, some are red, maroon, yellow, pale greens, orange, white the colours and textures are amazing and we're pretty excited about what our houses are going to look like .. Neville and I are becomming good friends and stop to marvel at the beauty we see, wether it be weird insects and mosses (not to be confused with moses) cloud formations, tree bark, birds, wildlife, colors in the fire, whatever .. we all make choices .. give me days in the bush over hours spent on a hard chair, doomsday book on my lap, listening to some ignorant sod drone on about times long gone and the pety triumphs of a jealous God over imperfect men and Jehovah's promise to let Abrahams seed rain down blessings from above .. real soon ... god bless the brooklyn know it alls .. blah blah blah ..

    greetings from the happiest unc in the jungle.

  • Yadirf


    All I asked was "Would you believe me if". I was just pullin' yer chain of course. But, just the same I will be going back when conditions are right. -- Daniel 11:35.

    When that Scripture undergoes fulfillment I'll be comin' by to pick you up, so be ready.

  • Flip
    Would it be morally right to go back to the JWs, even though she doesn't feel it is God's org?

    Your mom has already appeared to declare that there is no evidence that the WTBTS has any cosmic significance then her above question would carry as much relevant weight as if she asked, if it's morally right to drink Pepsi when she actually prefers Coke a Cola.

    Until your mom actually comes to terms that all factual evidence points to the WTBTS as simply being a financially successful business like any other, she will completely miss the point and continue to equate lack of product loyalty with guilt.


  • Yadirf


    I had a message for you all prepared, hit the post button and it didn't go thru. I've been unable to pull up the site for quite a while until now.

    Anyway, it went a little bit like this:
    "You could have answered my question with far less words than in the reply you gave. All that was requred was either a yes or no answer. Perhaps it would make a difference to Lisa's mother, even if it didn't matter to Lisa herself. That makes it relevant to the thread. I know that such information would matter to me. So what do you say, what is it that you would prefer not be known regarding your beliefs about the Bible here in this thread?"

  • unclebruce

    LOL Ffuday,

    Waiting for a watchtower prediction to come true eh? Get yourself comfortable, I think the church steeples are safe for a long while yet. As for comming to pick me up, swing 'round and grab Farkel first .. or better still send old Jehovah himself around. I could do with a burl in the Golden Chariot (I can help him with his golden rain from there)

    don't go worshiping anything man made now will ya .. satan walks about like a roaring mouse seeking out who cut the cheese .. unc who's wary of pre-packaged religions made in amerrycar.

  • Yadirf


    That which is recorded at Daniel 11:35 isn't "a watchtower prediction", UB. As a matter of fact, the Society thinks differently about the meaning of that scripture.

    Pick Farkel up first? If he doesn't come down with cancer of the ass and die first I'll do that. But you know that 'malediction' scripture, don't you. If you don't, Farkel can tell you because I discussed it with him after he expressed joy over Rutherford having died due to colon cancer.

    You just be ready, whether Farkel is aboard or not.

  • unclebruce

    Yadfluff - I don't have a bible handy but do think spending a night sleeping in a dungeon full of hungry lions would send a bloke a bit bonkers or paranoid at least.

    Yes, I am all too familiar with Jehovah's cursing folks with the roids and threatening to rub shit in their faces (scriptures banned on the old h20) What this has to do with Lisas mom's reinstatement I can only hazard the guess that her face rubbing in the kingdom hall back row would be equally distastefull to the one threatened in old testament times. (when Gods were Gods and women knew their place)

    I'm always ready to meet my maker Yadfart, Old Jehovah and I have an agreement - he doesn't get in my way and I don't kick his arse for all the trouble he's caused. Very simple really, a win/win situation to make deBono proud.

  • Yadirf


    I can't keep this thing connected to the Internet long enough to get anything done. I'm beginning to hate my ISP.

    I'm always ready to meet my maker Yadfart, Old Jehovah and I have an agreement - he doesn't get in my way and I don't kick his arse for all the trouble he's caused. Very simple really, a win/win situation to make deBono proud.

    You're a funny fella, ya know. You say "all the trouble he's caused". His name ain't Satan, it's Jehovah. You seem to be getting the activities of the two mixed up. All the "trouble" started as the result of a trouble-maker who chose not to see the wisdom of respecting his Creator's superior position ... a position that guaranteed that He knew what was best for all those that He had created.

    Like I said, be ready when I come-a-callin'.

  • Roamingfeline

    I had this beautiful post all put together earlier today, went to hit send, and the site had gone down. :-( When I came back later on and hit the back button on my browser, my beautiful post had gone down the DB toilet bowl. :-( So, let's try again:

    Hi Lisa's mother,

    It is so hard when we have loved ones in that awful cult, and I really feel for you, not being able to know your grandchildren. Someday, probably when it's too late, your daughter will realize what she's done, but that does no good now, eh? You have a difficult situation, no doubt about it, but the one thing that runs through my mind is "Be true to yourself".

    No matter what you decide to do, we are here for you, to help you get through the day to day pain and bewilderment of being one of the walking wounded from that horrible Organization. I hope you will feel comfortable here. Don't let the ones who are still in the Org but not showing love as they should, (remember, they are totally brainwashed) to get you down. We'll be glad to give 'em a swift kick when they need it to line 'em out.


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