What is the true Christian religion / faith?

by evergreen 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flash


    much of their core doctrines are correct.

    Which ones?

    Not to engage another endless discussion, but just for Evergreen's information: I don't think so.

    Here is a list of the major things I am convinced the Witnesses have right;

  • Jehovah is not a trinity
  • Jesus is God's first creation
  • The Angelic rebellion is the source of all our troubles
  • The Great Tribulation and Armageddon are literal and coming
  • God will use the worlds governments to destroy world religion
  • The Thousand Year reign is real
  • The resurrection is the only hope for the dead on earth
  • 144,000 are a literal Heavenly Government
  • Satan and his Demons have a finite time to exist and will be terminated
  • Please Note,

    I am not now nor was I ever convinced of everything WTS has said, such as typical/anti-typical this or that or the 'class' catagories like Ezekiel and Jonadab etc. Principles that aren't there. Even how they interpret some prophecies. I don't mind the GB speculating, just don't teach it as fact. I'm happy to consider their opinions and be open to the possibility that they are right. I will not accept or tell anyone that everything that comes from the GB is correct or comes from God. I believe in giving credit where it is due...and I think they deserve a lot. I also believe in putting blame where it belongs. Their scriptural flip-flopping and their social engineering and pride make me both nuts and angry! It's no suprise to me the Witnesses are labeled a 'cult.'

    Here is their lastest absurdity:

    Oct 15 WT View of The Third Heaven--What a Scream! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/79724/1.ashx


  • Flash

    I'm sorry evergreen, I am forgeting my manners. WELCOME to the Board!

  • heathen

    Flash--- I also agree on those issues but there is more to some that the WTBTS does go beyond what is written and publishes opinions that are accepted as doctrine . I even believe that the use of the cross is a form of idolotry and just because someone is wearing cross does not make them christian. I do believe that there is only one right way to worship God that is acceptible . If you read the old testament it was true then and it is true today . Jesus even said " not everyone saying to me lord lord will be admitted to the kingdom of the heavens."

    evergreen --- I think it great you are reading the bible without any other religious propaganda but eventually you will have to dig deeper to get the true meaning of what is said . When I started reading it for myself I could see the swiss cheese reasoning of the WTBTS on some important issues . I tried to argue soundly what I found but was immediately stifled by a cult so I never went through with all the idoctrination or becoming a dub .

  • Flash


    Flash--- I also agree on those issues but there is more to some that the WTBTS does go beyond what is written and publishes opinions that are accepted as doctrine.

    Your absolutely right. There is no denying it.

    I even believe that the use of the cross is a form of idolotry and just because someone is wearing cross does not make them christian. I do believe that there is only one right way to worship God that is acceptible .

    Right again, no question about it.

    If you read the old testament it was true then and it is true today . Jesus even said " not everyone saying to me lord lord will be admitted to the kingdom of the heavens."
    I agree with you 100% Heathen! Surprised?
  • gumby

    Some foxes get caught in traps more than once, but wise foxes do not. Ang if the wise fox DOES get caught a second time.....he's quick to escape.

    *decides to talk like Ghandi for the remender of this day in honor of the great and powerful indian soothsayer*


  • Narkissos
    I agree with you 100% Heathen! Surprised?

    Hey folks... are you sure the door is narrow enough?

  • LittleToe

    Welcome to the board
    Am I to take it from your use of the £ sign that you're a fellow Brit?

    You'll find that Christianity is not a religion at all. It is, ansd always was, about a relationship with Jesus (hence it is far more than the WTS dare admit, as you have found). You'll find that the New World Translation is kinda biased against Christs biblical role. I'd recommend nigh on anything but that translation!

    In the first century there were a range of beliefs on different points, just as there are today.
    The common denominator was Christ, rather than a body of doctrine that took pages to list.
    That would be one reason that Christians are often happy to go to each other's churches, because it ultimately isn't about religion at all.

    I do believe that religion can be a useful stepping stone, for some, but once a "divine connection" has been made, it can become a very slippery stepping stone, if we rely upon it instead of our newfound spirituality.

    What do you make of John 20:26-29?


    1. Jehovah is not a trinity
    2. Jesus is God's first creation
    3. The Angelic rebellion is the source of all our troubles
    4. The Great Tribulation and Armageddon are literal and coming
    5. God will use the worlds governments to destroy world religion
    6. The Thousand Year reign is real
    7. The resurrection is the only hope for the dead on earth
    8. 144,000 are a literal Heavenly Government
    9. Satan and his Demons have a finite time to exist and will be terminated

    In answer:

    1. If you mean the Father is a person rather than a composite, I think you'll find that most Christians agree with you
    2. That would be a matter of opinion
    3. If you are resting your beliefs on the bible, you'll actually find that it's Adam's sin that is said to be the source of all our troubles
    4. Another opinion
    5. Yet another opinion, bearing in mind that the "kings" fornicate with the harlot, rather than destroy her
    6. That would be one of a few "millenialist views", which are worth comparing rather than blindly accepting
    7. Actually the New Testament says that Jesus is
    8. Have you actually read the whole of Rev.7 in context?
    9. Yet another opinion.

    I notice that most of your cherished beliefs are based on the book of Revelation. That truly isn't a solid foundation for a belief system for the present or future. It's predominantly dream, song and symbol, for which to dogmatically claim a correct interpretation of would be kinda bigoted IMHO .

  • outbutnotdown

    "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are not at all like your Christ."

    Brad of the "jumping on the Gumby promoted Ghandi bandwagon" class.

  • gumby
    The common denominator was Christ
    rather than a body of doctrine that took pages to list.
    That would be one reason that Christians are often happy to go to each other's churches, because it ultimately isn't about religion at all.

    Not to rain on ye ol' parade or anythin LT, but didn't Paul and others set up congregations and establish new congregations, all centered on the MANY teachings of Christ, and the Many teachings of Paul, and the many teachings of Peter, and the many teachings of James, all covering a multitude of teachings on how to act and believe? These teachings are what we have come to know as the bible.

    If a large number of people all over the world, meet together to discuss and follow these "teachings" of all these men, isn't that called a religion? How is it that christianity isn't a religion?


  • gumby

    "Nice to have you join me my son"

    * puts hand on his new followers shoulder and smiles*


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