Run, Watchtower, Run

by Uncanny 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uncanny

    I watched an entertaining German film on cable last night called Run. Lola, Run. The plot revolves around how a young woman named Lola has 20 minutes to come up with 100,000 marks or her boyfriend gets executed by the mob.

    The film cleverly replays a 20 minutes running scene in which Lola reacts differently each time to things which happen on her run(s).

    One incident has Lola nearly knocking down an old woman pedestrian as she rounds a corner. Each time, the old woman curses Lola - even calls her a "f!@#$ bitch!" once after nearly being bowled over and then they cut to a rapid fire scene of the old woman's imagination. This one has her celebrating a lottery win, as if this is what is really her heart's desire.

    But it's the old woman's final reaction to Lola's run that is of interest here. Recovering from being nearly knocked over again, and after looking back at the running Lola to call out "Bitch!"", the action then cuts to a congregation in a church. People are praying and receiving communion, as if to highlight the double standards of the Church goers and the old lady's own hypocrisy of spirit.

    Then it comes. You have to be watching with full concentration, for it only takes about half a second. And as if almost subliminal, right at the end of this religious reaction vignette, there she is, the same old woman, standing on a street corner and holding up two brighly covered magazines - obviously The Watchtower and Awake!

    Making fun of JW's in movies is nothing new. But what struck me about this one was how the filmmakers lumped in the Watchtower Society with the mainline churches to illustrate the double standards often shown by so called Christians - even harmless looking little old ladies. To me, this is futher proof that the WT Society is being seen more and more as just another part of Christendom etc. It makes you wonder how effective those theocratic scribes in Brooklyn have been with their constant blabberings about how different Watchtower Witnesses of Jehovah are to mainstream Church goers. Not much in Germany.

    Just out of interest, for all you film buffs and trivia freaks. What other films can you think of which either send up the Society or use its high public profile for cheap laughs, usually involving the persistent confrontation of the door to door ministry?

    I can think of two obvious ones. 'Flying High' where Leslie Neilsen knocks a Watchtower-offering JW brother out of the way while striding through the Airport terminal. Or 'Coneheads' where Dan Akroyd and another guy pose as Witnesses to get inside the house of the Coneheads to gain more information about them. In this one, Akroyd actually produces a little witness spiel, mentioning something about how only 144,000 will be saved.

    Can you think of any others?


  • OrangeBlossom

    In the movie, Blue Velvet, there is a whole scene where this guy is trying to get into an apartment so he has Laura Dern pose as a witness selling the Watchtower and Awake. I was really taken back as to how dead-on he was, my thought at the time was that an ex-witness must have coaxed the writers as to how a witness would really sound. It was years ago that I saw this movie and if I remember right, it was extremely weird.

    P.S. This was my 100th post! Hooray for me!

  • BoozeRunner

    I can remember the SNL "Landshark" skit where the "shark" finally resorted to saying "Jehovahs Witnesses" to get in and consume his human meal. LOL
    Also, in the movie AIRPLANE , Robert Stack goes thru airport assaulting all religious groups in his way. JW's were included.


  • BoozeRunner

    hmmmm.... come to think of it, after the shark ate the apartment dwellers, I believe REAL JW's came to the door...The shark ate them too. LOL


  • Flip


    Just for perspective the following spoof on the Spielberg movie "JAWS" "aired" around the time of the WTBTS 1975 push. As I watched the skit I suddenly realized how serious the world was "taking" "our" ministry.

    Garrett Morris played the JW.

    The punchline is ...where the end of the skits transcript.

    ... ...


  • slipnslidemaster

    Not quite a send up of dubs, but the Monty Python's "Life of Brian" is a classic to me for religious comedy.

    The scene where the guy get's stoned for saying Jehovah, makes me laugh everytime I think about it.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
    - Yoda

  • JWD

    In Eddie Murphy`s movie about an African prince who came to NY to find
    a bride there was a scene where the man of the house doesn`t want to
    tell who came to his door, so he said it was just some Jehovah`s Witnesses.

    Of course the movie `Perfect World` played heavily on the JW theme.


  • Copernicus

    It wasn’t in a movie, but I remember an old X-Files episode that had two dubs knocking at the door of a dead woman, and then the door of the psycho who killed her. The guy was totally schizoid, and hearing voices. After encountering the witnesses, the voice said: “even that witness bitch won’t have anything to do with you.”

    I remember at the time, I found it very disturbing. Hell, it WAS very disturbing.

    Also there is the classic witness bashing of Kevin Costner’s movie. . . what was it called? Perfect World? I remember thinking how stupid the conversation was were the witness boy he kidnapped talked about going to hell, ha, ha. There have often been derogatory witness comments written into his movies. Seems he has a problem with them, wonder why that might be?

  • claudia

    Ok, there is a line/joke in the movie Throw Mamma From The Train about jws, that movie was funny as hell. sabina

  • Wolfy

    I remember an episode of the Simpsons where Marge was desperate for company...JW's were walking up to the door and just as they were going to ring the doorbell the one JW asks the other "What are we doing?" They toss the magazines and said let's go get real jobs..

    3rd Rock From The Sun...The Dick and family were stoned(painkillers?) and some JW's visited. Wouldn't let them leave..One tried to get up and they made him sit back down. Dick wanted to meet this Jehovah



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