I lost my job at Microsoft today...thanks to a wonderful economy...

by dolphman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonoita

    Sorry for your loss, what a shocker!

    But unfortunately companies are in the business of making money not in the business of making employees. The bottom line is usually the determining factor, along with decisions made on facts not emotions. The Presidency did not cost your job neither will it return it to you.

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    Hey Dolph,

    Sorry to hear about the job; Blows like that can really hurt. Don't let it sap your self-esteem.

    Although a 10 question quiz recently painted me somewhere between an isolationist and a neo-con, I like to think of my self as the compassionate conservative that Bush pretended to be.

    May be you'd like to meet up for dinner sometime? Princess and I would love to meet you. Take your mind off things...

    Bottom line is....................forget modern education as to being in computers, law, medicine or whatever.............

    Encourage your young ones to be a plumber. Yes.................A PLUMBER! No matter how advanced and how educated society gets............everyone has to go to the toilet.

    LMAO Happy Dad!

    Oddly enough, Microsoft employees comprise a large portion of our customer base. What business? Why, Steve's Plumbing, of course. You can visit our site: www.stevesplumbingllc.com

    We do our best to market directly to their preferences, and we get quite a bit of referral business through their employee's online forum.

    You've indirectly pointed out a trend in education: Mothers encourage their children to seek the "professional" feilds, without considering the trades. The result? A serious shortage of quality people in the trades, pushing both demand for work and trade wages ever higher. Even "open shop" (non-union) plumbers and electricians in this area bring in over 50K annually, with benefits.

    We too, though, have noticed a dip in the economy. Customers are less prone to expensive "impulse" purchases, and shop around more. Still, manufactured products decay and fail at the same rate that they always have. Some try to postpone repairs, others try the "do-it-yourself" route. Either way, we'll be getting another call soon...

    The downside? in this culture, tradespeople will never have the respect or societal stature accorded to those in computer, legal, medical, or academic positions. You need to have a thick skin and a strong sense of your own dignity, or the painful truth of class distinctions will wear you down. Add to that the wear and tear on your body, the net result of the daily physical effort of our work.

    So, don't run down to the union hall just yet, Dolph.

    If you are seriously considering self employment, then plan carefully, and implement your plan without holding anything back.

    If you get back in to the computer field, great! Call me when your plumbing breaks.

    Hell, call me anyway, or come to one of the upcoming fests: October 9th in Hillsboro, OR, or December 26th in Edmonds.


  • blindfool

    Interesting post.


    I too am in a "low tech" field. The company I work for makes duct pipe and fittings. Our business is associated with new home sales. Our sales have doubled since 2002.

    I make over 50K, have a company car, expense account, benefits.

    I don't have the kind of job that is popular at job fairs, but it puts food on the table!!

  • LittleToe

    Dolph:Sorry to hear about the bad news.
    Hopefully you can turn it into a silver lining, like Elsewhere said.

  • CoonDawg

    Hell, I'm a trashy ol' company truckdriver. I do work for a Haz-Mat company and it's a great job. I should make about $65,000 this year. Not bad for a high school grad who isn't self employed and who has no college (YET!).

    I hope you can get something soon.

    My brother lives in Oregon...he works for Intel. He too lost his job when Fujitsu closed it's Portland operation.

    Good luck.

    BTW...."We've turned the corner" - G.W. Bush

    And Remember...:



  • BrendaCloutier

    {{{{{ Dolphman }}}}}

    Gosh, sorry to hear about the layoff. Everyone expects it of Boeing, but Microsoft? That's why MS was sooo difficult to get on as a permanent hire because they just didn't do that. It does reinforce that we've been in a severe recession (inspite of the economic growth indicators), and the need to vote in someone other than Bush. I don't think Nader counts... his bid will just cost an important election --- again!

    At least you're in Silicon Valley North. Lots of software companies. I know, a worked for a few when I lived there.

    At least you'll get a bit of an under-paid break.

    Hey, you could pioneer for a while.... huh?


    C:\ DOS

    C:\ DOS run

    C:\ run DOS run

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    Sorry to hear about the bad news. Hopefully you can turn it around into a better situation like Else pointed out.

    Steve's right, the residential construction field needs quality employees DESPERATELY !!!

    And the bar isn't too high nowadays.

    It's rather common for employers to have to pick up their construction workers from Huber [jail] because of DUI's, etc...

    If you can show up and put in a solid 40+ hours a week, avoid coming to work stoned or drunk, then you are miles ahead of the rest of the yuks in the field today.

    It's a little bonus for your employer if they don't have to garnish your wages every week as well

    And since Steve posted his website, you can see how you can parlay construction work with doing the work of the Lord :

    Here we see Steve incorporating the door-to-door work selling WatchTower's while meeting a customer.

    ...why, it looks like Steve has even started a Bible study with a sheep-like one

  • Princess

    LOL! Those pictures need to be updated a bit. I've been avoiding it.

    Steve actually ran over his briefcase that's in the picture. Sadly, it didn't survive. The new one is a lot less dub-ish.

    That's me at the table. He totally converted me.

  • Mulan
    LOL! Those pictures need to be updated a bit.

    Yes..........the kids are bigger, and your hair is A LOT longer.

  • Princess

    Steve has lost about 30 pounds since then.

    Looks like I have a bit of a project for the fall.

    Like I needed another one

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