I lost my job at Microsoft today...thanks to a wonderful economy...

by dolphman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    Post 21!

    Sorry to hear about the job loss.

  • RandomTask


    Since January 2000 my salary has gone up $14,000 a year annually. And yes I have basically been working in the same field full time.

    Ask yourself, would you have been laid off if Al Gore were president?

  • ColdRedRain
    Thanks for the support. I'm more shocked simply because I just didn't expect it. I'm going to ride out my severance package for as long as possible and work on film and other art projects I've been wanting to do.

    I'll say this as a friend. THIS IS THE WRONG THING TO DO WHEN YOU'RE OUT OF A JOB!!! Pound the pavement like you haven't ever done before, because sooner or later, that severance package is going to disappear.

    I feel your pain though. (To borrow from slick Willie.) There's a silver lining in this though. There are pleanty of jobs in your field up in Minnesota. In fact, places like Boston Scientific are begging for workers. Another silver lining too, we have a 4.4 rate of unemployment compared to the national average of 5.6 (Which in itself is an optimum unemployment number. Anything lower than that and buisnesses start failing because of a lack of employees.)

    You can use the money you have from that package to pound the pavement in different states, because trust me, your job in Rendmond will never return. I would go into the economic situation of why your job disappeared, but you don't need a party's talking head, you need a friend.

  • RR
    Thanks for the support. I'm more shocked simply because I just didn't expect it. I'm going to ride out my severance package for as long as possible ...

    Look at it this way ... now you can pioneer ... what a blessing!


  • cyberguy

    Sorry to hear about this! I've been in the software industry for about 28+ years, mostly as an independent consultant. What kind of work did you do for Microsoft?

  • patio34

    Hi Dolphman,

    So sorry about the shocking lay-off. Where I work has laid off hundreds of people. I hope things work out a good way for you.

    Btw, I hope the following post didn't bother you.


    Since January 2000 my salary has gone up $14,000 a year annually. And yes I have basically been working in the same field full time.

    Ask yourself, would you have been laid off if Al Gore were president? --Random Task

    And I think this one is applicable to all of us and our responsibility to try to turn back the tide:

    So why do you go to Wal-Mart and buy all those sweatshop Chinese goods? Buy domestic - pay a bit more - but save jobs. ---Aaac

    Regards, Pat

  • Elsewhere
    Thanks for the support. I'm more shocked simply because I just didn't expect it. I'm going to ride out my severance package for as long as possible and work on film and other art projects I've been wanting to do.

    Will your severance package stop paying if you get a job? If not then don't wait for it to run out! Get another job and put your severance money into a savings account or some other safe investment... doing this will allow you to almost double your income for the duration of the payments.

    NEVER throw away free money!

  • OICU8it2

    I'm sorry you lost your job. Hope you will find something soon that interests you. Do you think the president has control of the economy or can create jobs. I hope you won't rely on the government to create a job or conditions for job growth.

  • Robdar

    Hey Dolph,

    This could be the beginning of a fine adventure. Grab it and make it work for you.

    Wishing you the best.


  • HappyDad


    I am sorry for your job loss and the anguish you are going through. Losing a job with good income really sucks. But just think..................here in Western PA.......many people are trying to live..........and actually doing it on less than $25,000 a year. I don't mean this to be rude.........but anyone in this area would give their left nut/tit to make over $50,000 a year. Are you UNION? The most I ever made was just a little over $40,000 a year with good benefits and much overtime.And the only reason I and others made such BIG ?? money was the UNION. Now..........I'm not trying to compare oranges with apples..........but my job required a lot of education ...but when the time came..........I was just a number. Over the years I along with others endured many layoffs..wondering if we would ever have a good paying job again. We make fun of the dubs whose lifelong ambition is to be a janitor so they can pioneer..but when one loses a good job...........ONE may have to unwillingly clean toilets to feed the family.............I know.......because I did.

    Please don't take this as a mockery because it isn't. I'm just trying to say to anyone who loses a fantastic job to the political whims or downsizing so that the upper management can have their golden parachutes to just be able to humble themselves enough to do whatever it takes to feed the family. In the meantime........get active with "whoever" and get the goods on the idiots in charge.................................................................don't let them rest.

    Bottom line is....................forget modern education as to being in computers, law, medicine or whatever.............

    Encourage your young ones to be a plumber. Yes.................A PLUMBER! No matter how advanced and how educated society gets............everyone has to go to the toilet. And today............if you go to other than an approved bodily function "dispensal receptical".....you can be arrested.

    So ............what does this mean? A plumber is always necessary..............S**T always happens..............P is almost always yellow............ Urinal AND IT ALL FLOWS DOWNHILL! Oh....and yes.............HOT is on the left side of the sink.

    Hey............what did you pay the last time you needed a plumber? So....the $50,000 plus per year doing computer work pales to shoveling S**T. Stinky Bathroom

    A very good evening and INCOME to all,


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