favourite games to play as a child during boring meetings

by Surfacing 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Netty
    I was so envious of kids with cool toys that were allowed to crawl under the chairs and play with them

    I remember this, but, their parents were looked down upon, and gossipsed about as being spiritually weak.

    I was raised strict like you, someone already mentioned my FUN GAME! We got to mark down a mark each time Jehovah, Jesus, whatever was said. What made it even WAAAAY more fun was it didnt just have to be by the speaker from the platform (to be read with ENTHUSIASM) it could also be if someone said it when they answered. Fascinating Stuff.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    We got to mark down a mark each time Jehovah, Jesus, whatever was said.

    Too bad we couldn't make this into a drinking game.

  • Mysterious

    I had to do the whole make marks under the names when they are said. When I got older I used to write a word down the side of the page then on the line I would write all the words the speaker said that started with that letter. I did that even when I was quite old..hell I was bored stiff. Mom never seemed to notice the anagram and figured if I was writing down words then I must be paying attention. My best friend and I used to compete to see who could write down the most scriptures the speaker said..I swear he cheated.

  • candidlynuts

    when i was a kid, the watchtower was tri folded.. so i'd turn it into a puppet and pretend it was a barbie.i'd keep my eagle eye opened to any nearby old ladies in case they opened their purse and had CANDY.. around 10 i started counting yawns. 17 i'd watch brother horndog to see who he was eyeballing that week. (he always got boners and had to get up and walk around , jacket closed of course. lol)

    when my kids were little, i let them have toys till one of them at age 18 mos beaned an elder with it by throwing it across the hall. (he's 15 now and still pitches like a pro) after that they had paper , crayons and GASP i'd let them bring their fave story books with them. which i 'd get frowned at for.

  • recoveringjw

    My brother and I used to see who could make my mom crack up during meetings first. Also, I would read down the columns of the Watchtower pages to see if I could find any hiddens messages. At conventions, I would write stories about the people around me to make it look like I was takings notes. I took only enough actual notes so that when my Dad asked me what I "got out of " the parts, I could answer him and not get into trouble.

    Oh yeah, I would also count the holes in the acoustic tiles.


  • Soledad

    I wasn't allowed any toys either. I could only bring the yellow book and a notepad. And as of age 6 I was no longer allowed to go to sleep under the chairs--I had to stay awake and write down the scriptures recited from the stage. Even at the assemblies.

  • recoveringjw

    Remembered something else---when I went to meetings with my grandmother, she would notice the instant I started to get bored and she would let me play with all the cool stuff in her handbag (cool stuff to a 6 year old!)

  • kwintestal

    I was not permitted any toys either as they distracted people who REALLY REALLY wanted to listen. My Dad wanted me to do the tick thing too for every time I heard Jehovah and Jesus and HE kept track too just to make sure that I really was listening. Thinking back, I had a rough childhood!

  • Mysterious
    Someone already mentioned my FUN GAME! We got to mark down a mark each time Jehovah, Jesus, whatever was said.

    I *know* that was a suggestion given in countless talks. I think that is the officially acceptable children's game. And yes parents who let their kids have more stuff were looked down upon.

    Too bad we couldn't make this into a drinking game.

    Back seats. Row of apostates. Flasks.

  • Mysterious
    Someone already mentioned my FUN GAME! We got to mark down a mark each time Jehovah, Jesus, whatever was said.

    I *know* that was a suggestion given in countless talks. I think that is the officially acceptable children's game. And yes parents who let their kids have more stuff were looked down upon.

    Too bad we couldn't make this into a drinking game.

    Back seats. Row of apostates. Flasks. If you can walk out under your own power you win a free bible study..

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