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by Undaunted Danny 80 Replies latest social current

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    Jehovah's Witnesses And Other Cults
    Useless-Knowledge.com - 7 hours ago
    ... to cults. Bill McMagigal feels I used the world loosely with applied to the Jehovah's Witnesses, and presented no facts. This is ...
    "The Da Vinci Code:" Middle Ground? Useless-Knowledge.com
    all 2 related ยป

    Operation: Behold, You're Christians!
    storyhunters.com - 9 hours ago
    ... Hashanah? That's a little like Jehovah's Witnesses showing up on a conversion mission at a Pentecostal's door on Christmas morning. ...

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Mitigating Circumstances
    Austin Chronicle, TX - 3 hours ago
    ... Growing up, Ronald was Allridge's best ? and nearly only ? friend, they say, primarily because the Allridge family were devout Jehovah's Witnesses, a faith ...

    Mitigating Circumstances

    James idolized Ronald, his family and friends recall, and always had. Growing up, Ronald was Allridge's best ? and nearly only ? friend, they say, primarily because the Allridge family were devout Jehovah's Witnesses, a faith that forbids its followers to associate with anyone who does not adhere to their religion.

    Unfortunately, Ronald was not a good role model: He was aggressive, unpredictable, and often violent ? when James was 5, Ronald set his brother's clothes on fire while burning trash in a back-yard incinerator. James suffered third-degree burns that took a year to heal. "If Ronnie said to do something then James did it," recalled younger brother Darren. "James was always the tagalong. Ronnie was the one who came up with the ideas, and plotted out whatever little mischief they were getting into." In the mid-Seventies, Ronald came up with a plan to burglarize a Montgomery Ward, and tried to talk James into coming along. James didn't go, but Ronald did it anyway and when he got home he showed James his loot, including a .357 Magnum. Pointing the gun at James, Ronald threatened to kill his brother if he ever told anyone about the burglary. .........Jurors at James Allridge's trial had no duty to consider his past when deciding whether he should be sentenced to life or death ]]]


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Thinker

    Rebuttal To "Jehovah's Witnesses And Other Cults"
    Useless-Knowledge.com - 30 minutes ago
    ... For example in the article, ?Jehovah's Witnesses And Other Cults? the writer a Baptist, seems to forget that the name ?Anabaptists? (?ana? meaning ...
    About the author Bill McManigal: I am a representative of the Christian Association of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Email: [email protected]
    Jehovah's Witnesses: Specifics [Why Did Christ Come?]
    Useless-Knowledge.com - 14 minutes ago
    I'm getting the nasty letters from the Jehovah's Witnesses again, they have worse tongues than the Muslims; these people who proclaim to love Christ. ...
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses; A Destructive, Abusive Cult
    Useless-Knowledge.com - 49 minutes ago
    By Danny Haszard. Jehovah's Witnesses are predatory psychopaths who succeed by,"intimidation through litigation". They are bullys plain and simple. ...

    Undaunted Danny Makes it at the news ticker!Let the truth be known and let it be shown.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Hammering Volunteers help local Jehovah's Witness raise a new Kingdom Hall ...
    Brunswick Times Record, ME - 2 hours ago
    ... The group had gathered to construct a new Kingdom Hall for the approximately 140 Jehovah's Witnesses in Bath and Brunswick, who had lost their former place of ...

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    "Lord, Will Those Who Are Saved Be Few?"
    Zenit News Agency, Italy - 22 minutes ago
    ... From this we are able to understand the absurdity of those, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, who even think they know the exact number of the saved: 144,000. ...
  • waiting

    According to the denomination's 2004 Yearbook, there are more than 16 million Jehovah's Witnesses in 235 nations. Those figures, for 2003, represent an increase of more than 2 percent over the previous years.

    When did this happen? I thought there were SIX million jw's worldwide. SIXTEEN?

    And their core belief is that in the realm of eternity, the kingdom of heaven will be a real government administered by Christ and 144,000 chosen believers, Beck explained.

    And that is why the Other Core Belief of 1914 can never be given up as erroneous, or downright stupid. How could the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class of 144,000 be chosen by Jesus when he "came upon the clouds" to inspect his servents in 1914....if 1914 isn't accurate? Can't have one without the other.

    The rest of the righteous will exist in an earthly paradise, he said.

    Oh, such Political Correctness! "rest of the righteous" means Jehovah's Witnesses, mentally retarded, or insane. Because, according to JW's, everyone else living at the time of Armageddon (thanks to Friend for making me clarify) who isn't "righteous" will have been given a chance to accept becoming a JW or be killed by Jehovah.

    Btw........"Jehovah's Witnesses, mentally retarded, or insane" puts jw's in great association, eh?

    They've found particular success with their personal style of ministry among the growing immigrant communities, as the recent weekend gathering of thousands of Hispanic Jehovah Witnesses at the arena show.

    "The missionary fields have come to our doors," Beck said. Bullshit. It's primary the first generation of immigrants who want to be accepted, who are looking for "spiritual peace & security" - and are being lovebombed. When the second/third generation get more schooling, more computers, and understand more.......then their numbers will fall too.

    Thanks, Danny - good stuff!


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Mutated Millerites and 'all along the Watchtower' Luke 8:17 "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open" Jehovah's Witnesses stay home election day [TODAYS NEWS]
    Winston Salem Journal, NC - 6 hours ago
    ... In this most political of seasons, where small percentages of votes in key states could prove decisive, the Jehovah's Witnesses are staying true to their ...

    [ EXCERPT from above:Jehovah's Witnesses, a true made-in-America religion, grew out of a movement that began with the end-time prophecies of William Miller, the founder of Adventism. The "Great Disappointment" of 1844 - when Miller's predictions of the Second Coming did not come true - did not deter him or others from their vision.

    Coming out of the Adventist tradition was Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Witnesses.

    Russell set 1874 as the date for Christ's return, and 1914 for the battle of Armageddon and the beginning of Jesus' rule on Earth.

    World War I seemed to confirm his prophecy, but the slogan of Russellites that "millions now living will never die" lost some impact when Russell died in 1916.

    After several other failed attempts to predict the end of this world, the Witnesses in the 1990s officially dismissed date-setting as speculation. But the church continues to teach that the end is near, creating an urgency for individuals to prepare for the coming kingdom.

    [Comment from Danny, this is a remake/republish of an earlier.,Watchtower coming out,doctrinal position published here: Jehovah's Witnesses see voting as divisive Thursday, July 29, 2004
    David Briggs Plain Dealer Religion Reporter http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/75859/1.ashx [click for discussion] [Footnote from Danny:The Watchtower has "purged" hundred's of thousands of followers for failing the now defunct 1914,"Jesus returned to power" loyalty oath and sentenced them to eternal damnation! We know where all the bodies are buried.don't we? NO rest for the Wicked Watchtower!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    What Happened To Hell? By Dennis L. Siluk
    Aug 21, 2004 What Happened To Hell? Useless-Knowledge.com [ good read on what happens when you try to "reason" with a Jehovah's Witness ]

    Walker County Messenger
    Jehovah's Witnesses will build new LaFayette Kingdom Hall in three ...
    Walker County Messenger, GA - 9 hours ago
    Local Jehovah's Witnesses have been laying the

    'Payoff' for atrocity
    Arizona Republic, AZ - 5 hours ago
    ... Other groups were persecuted on political and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals. ...

    Faith-based prison programs aim to uplift inmates
    Atlanta Journal Constitution (subscription), GA - 11 hours ago
    ... The majority of the program's inmates, who number 317, are Protestants, 33 are Catholics, 29 are Muslim, five are Jehovah's Witnesses and one is Wiccan. ...

    Man died after religious beliefs delayed vital op
    Waltham Forest Guardian, UK - 10 hours ago
    ... But, because of his religious beliefs which state that Jehovah's Witnesses cannot receive blood that has previously exited the body, doctors could not perform ...

    Lodi News-Sentinel
    Ministers preach to passers-by at the county courthouse
    Lodi News-Sentinel, CA - 20 hours ago
    ... Other times, people ask for
  • blondie

    16 million attended the Memorial...............

    The average non-JW doesn't realize that the WTS only counts those that turn time in at least one month out of 12 as a JW that year.

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