WERE there any hypocrites in your congregation?

by badboy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy


  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Loads - in fact I would say the hypocrites out numbered the genuine people. That's what finally convinced me that leaving was the right thing to do.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I was married to one

    and although there were some really great honest people there were far more of the other kind that I like to be around

    well if you come right down to it I suppose I was rather hypocritical too. I hated my marriage and still created the illusion that it was wonderful

  • shotgun

    Is this a trick question...of course...I'd say every congregation but then it's certainly not limited to congregations or JW's.

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok for once I'll play the devil advocat : I knew lots of JW's who where not hypocrites ... I would say that they were just lost and frustrated ... (and the hypocrisy comes along for those who need to "appear" as good)

  • aniron

    The two Elders, unkown to each other, who showed me from the Bible that Jesus was God. Then would stand on the platform and say he wasn't.

    The Elder who went on about how we shouldn't watch 18 rated films. Then one night his son showed me a cupboard full of them at his home.

    The married Ministerial Servant aged 25, also a pioneer, who was held up as an example to the youth of the congregation. Then was discovered to be having affairs with three women on his window cleaning round. (not all at the same time)

    The two JW brothers who were full time pioneers. They said they were going to share a two bed-roomed apartment together to keep their costs down. They lived together for about 4-5 years then it was discovered it may have been a two-bedroomed apartment, but they were only using the one bed!! Turned out they had been having gay sex with each other, since they were 15/16 now they were 28/29.

    Then there were the brothers and sisters who were alcoholics, but it was kept quiet.

    All this in my 25 years as a JW.

  • Sunnygal41

    Yes, me. I knew the Dubs were not my bag, and for the longest time, did not have the sufficient cojones to stand up for what I believed in and make a change.


  • Survivor2004

    Definitely,but there are hypocrites in every religion.


  • badboy

    What this about 2 Elders saying Jesus was God,but they said the opposite on the KH platform.

    That a new one to me!

  • TresHappy

    And look, I saw in the congregation, hypocrites, which were too many too number...

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