toot toot toot lookin out my back door

by xenawarrior 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch


    My daughter in law just bought a very nice name brand digital camera on clearance at a wal mart store, for 75 bucks!

    It stores over 300 pictures at a time, and also can take video!

    Digital cameras have really come down in price, so hopefully I will get one soon too.

    Another story....(giggles)

    One fine autumn day, my family decided to go to a local lake where you can rent a canoe for a couple of dollars (good fun for a family on a budget).

    So anyways, the lake is surrounded by trees that were in full color (natures fireworks). The sky was so blue, and the lake was quiet....we were all just lossed in thought and enjoying ourselves when out of the clear sky, and without a sound.......A big colorful hot air balloon drops down beside us onto the water! It was so grand to see....we were speechless (yes, LW was speechless)lol

    It was such a "kodak moment" and of course I didnt have a camera Oddly, I was thinking of this "big one that got away" while reading this thread, and then I read the post about the hot air balloons! What a koinky-dink huh?

  • confusedjw

    Nice pics XW!

    By the way Scott's turf builder on that lawn in the fall will help with the "less patches"

  • Sweetp0985

    I caught a few good shots this morning I just hope my camera saw the same thing and the film cooperates also. At 6 pm I'm gonna try to get the best ones when all 80+ balloons are supposed to take off at the same time. If my pics come out right, I'll try to get them posted on here some kind of way...gotta do it the old fashioned way. Go to Kinko's and scan it and save it on the disc. I guess I need to move up to modern times huh?

  • SixofNine

    Careful, it's photo opportunities like these that'll hit you hard in the pocketbook! I see thousands of dollars worth of lenses in your future, lol.

  • SixofNine

    ps... very HEAVY lenses, I might add!

  • Thirdson

    We have a group of these little birds in my neighborhood. I took these about 100 yds from my back yard. They are quite agressive and took exception to my stopping to snap a few pics.


  • Uzzah


    That looks more like a couple of elders ...


  • Special K
    Special K


    ROFL... at Uzzah's comment.

    That was soooo funny considering the earlier picture of the witnesses calling on doors..


    Special K

  • bikerchic

    LOL @ Uzzah:


    That looks more like a couple of elders ...


    I see a photo shop opp coming on. Put a little bonnet on the smaller turkey and a tie and bookbag on the bigger one! Yeah JW's gone a trotting door to door.........gobble,gobble!

    Cool thread xw and I loved the updated pic too.


  • xenawarrior
    By the way Scott's turf builder on that lawn in the fall will help with the "less patches"

    LOL confused !! Yeah, my lawn needs an overhaul. Next year I need to have it aerated several times to smooth it all out and then back on the treatment plan. A couple of years ago it looked a lot nicer. And wasn't so knobby to walk on too !!

    LMAO @ Uzzah !!

    Well, this morning I went out and one of the hawks was out there. At one point I was watching these two little squirrels chasing each other around the trunk of a tree in my neighbors yard. At one point that hawk was over there trying to "get" one of them. He/she didn't get them though !! I was also glad to see about 10 of the yellow finches feeding so they seem to be okay too. I think they are too fast for the hawk anyway. I went to a barbeque last night and we were talking about this and someone told me that the hawks will go after the morning doves because they are so slow. I guess it's all part of the natural process.

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