The Six Planes of Higher Consciousness???????

by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    I just read the entire article. I am wondering, do we get a merit badge after attaining each level? And who is it that does the attaining anyway?

  • frankiespeakin


    Good to hear from you again. Interesting quote:

    'You live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. You are that reality. But you do not know this. When you understand this, you will see that you are nothing. And being nothing, you are everything. That is all.'

    I tend to think everything we see or feel is illusion of the senses and that our experience of it is the reality, or our "awareness" of the senses is the reality. From what I've read and thought about it everything of the material word is just a clever manipulation of nothing which gives an appearence thru the senses as something. Nothing and everything both total, oposites and the same.


    I think that many on this path do not pay attention to the physical world thinking that they will not need it once they become enlightened

    I didn't get that from this material, I thought they were saying:

    This alignment of one's being with the higher consciousness brings immense satisfaction and a sense of being a sharer in the ongoing creativity of this universe.

    These wise aspirants seek to humbly, through their prayer and meditative life, further the act of creation, further the expression of goodness, in their daily lives. They feel no conflict between their personal will and the higher will because they have completely submitted their personal will to the higher will. They seek to live in attunement. As some saints say, "I am the instrument. You, 0 Lord, are the operator of this instrument.

    Sharing,,or going with the flow in the on going creativity of the universe sounds like the Zen path of staying in the middle. To me it carries the idea of living in nature and contributing to and following the direction evolution is going.

    I have read warning about going to fast,, I think it all depends on the person as to the speed one proceeds. I don't have a guru to guide me (trust issues) but "they" say: "when the student is ready the teacher will appear".

  • Robdar

    Frankie, I didn't bother reading through all the material. I've read many things like it many times in my life. I have grown accustomed to all sorts of people offering me a better way--including the Zen Budhists.

    I appreciate the quote above but must remind you that in the beginning of the site the guy/guru was encouraging people not to be involved in the material plane. As a matter of fact, he was putting down people who enjoy the physical. Sorry, but I am wary of people telling me on thing and then another--whether it be from the JWs or from this guy.

    but "they" say: "when the student is ready the teacher will appear".

    They say a lot of things, my friend.

    Look, I'm not putting your belief sytem down because, for the most part, it's mine too. However, I have become wary. There are many snake oil salesmen out there and the new age movement is no exception.


  • frankiespeakin


    Look, I'm not putting your belief sytem down because, for the most part, it's mine too. However, I have become wary. There are many snake oil salesmen out there and the new age movement is no exception.


    I really don't have a belief system,, I put this site on the board to get comments pro and con. I agree many sites provide income and so may be carefully worded to get you to join. I don't really want a guru guiding me,, (don't want to fall in another trap).

    I know that this meditation stuff be it Budhist or the Hindu type has many benifits, I'm trying to learn what they have gathered over the thousands of years of practice,,without the gurus or teachers.

  • astridkittie

    For some reason this eeringly reminds me of the book "Celestine Prophecy", which is a fictional story that has somehow spawned it's own set of followers.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I can say that I've experienced this first step of enlightenment. Maybe a couple others, too. And i don't dissagree with most of the followup posts. I've known a few who were capable of astral travel, but were so uncomfortable in their skins that they couldn't live a "normal" life. Like the JW's always living and hoping for Armageddon that they don't live this life.

    Many who have worked (not drugged) to gain these insights become intolerant and unaccpting of others who either aren't there yet, or have their own path. Sounds familiar, huh? I have a girlfriend who has been on Master Path for several years. Her first couple of years she was intolerable because she was intolerant. She felt superior to most other earthlings. She tolerated me because of our long-term friendship and my own spiritual path and understanding.

    One of the keys to enlightenment is the acceptence and tolerance of others for who they are, where they've come from, and where they're going. We each have our paths (Karma, lessons) to follow, or change, as each individual sees fit or is capable.

    I believe we are on this earthwalk for a few basic reasons: to learn to live in a limited body with limited ability to comprehend; and to love. Love the earth, animals, people, etc. Some of us are capable of love in big ways, i.e., Mother Theresa, Jimmy Carter. Most of us are only capable in small ways: sharing a smile; giving a quarter or dollar, plugging a parking meter, recycling, limiting chemical use, higher mileage vehicles and planning errands, etc.

    Ok, my bubble bath soap box is put away - for now. (yeah, I know, I can be a wise-arse)



  • poppers

    Hi Brenda, Not to denigrate the attainments of others who can astral travel and have all sorts of other mystical experiences, but I would question whether such attainments indicate enlightenment. Paranormal abilities tend to trap one into believing they are something special and that by having them it sets them apart and above others. It is ego-enhancing. Equating mystical and paranormal experiences with enlightenment is a common misunderstanding. Enlightenment is beyond ego/mind.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hiya, Poppers, thank you for your post. You said much more sucinctly than what I had tried to say, but got lost in the verbage. Those who have attained the ability to "go out there" often have a difficult time being stuck in their skin-suits. I've seen many attain enlightenment, and become egomaniacs who believe theirs is the only way. Much like Bible and Big Book (of AA) thumpers. The lesson is to take the new-found understanding/enlightenment and apply it to the here and now, to the self and become self-less, with humility. (Oh gawd, there's that H word) Thanx again, and hugs Brenda >>Hi Brenda, Not to denigrate the attainments of others who can astral travel and have all sorts of other mystical experiences, but I would question whether such attainments indicate enlightenment. Paranormal abilities tend to trap one into believing they are something special and that by having them it sets them apart and above others. It is ego-enhancing. Equating mystical and paranormal experiences with enlightenment is a common misunderstanding. Enlightenment is beyond ego/mind.<<

  • Markfromcali

    Hi guys, on the point of keeping it 'down to earth' and embodying that consciousness, that would essentially be the part where Kalu Rinpoche says being nothing, you are everything.

    One thing I would like to point out though is there is this idea out there which essentially amounts to the ego does something to embody that consciousness, (obviously they won't put it that way) and it just doesn't work that way. You'll hear things like integrative practice or what have you, but if you don't see through the ego as the phoney self then it's really a matter of faking it, the work isn't really being done then. (but yes, things may be happening even before someone gets to that point, just on an unconscious level)

    The idea of embodiment isn't that hard to understand, but when the mind tries to make that happen it's sort of like going through the motions. I will go so far as to say that even if the mind has the well meaning intent of love, that in itself wouldn't be the real thing - atleast not what or how the mind thinks it is. There's not really any difference between the realization that comes with this kind of embodiment and being truly moved by love, as opposed to just a feeling.

    Just imagine, a JW abadoning the practice of shunning because he realizes the family members he's been cut off from is his own flesh and blood, and he just can't help but embrace those family members again. While emotions may be involved, what I'm getting at is where that movement comes from is really much deeper and preceeds any feelings that may come with it. Spiritually speaking it would be deeper than that and all inclusive, it really cannot be communicated through such a story.

  • Markfromcali

    Hi Frankie,

    I don't have a guru to guide me (trust issues) but "they" say: "when the student is ready the teacher will appear".

    Cliche though it may be, I'd have to say there is truth in that. But you can also say "when the student is ready, the teacher disappears." There is no longer that kind of separation, that view doesn't apply. A real teacher will recognize and acknowledge this. A spiritual teacher I know has been quoted as saying ultimately there is no teacher, no student and no teaching - and I've heard his students say they get that there is no teacher. One thing that would indicate how healthy things are is whether a particular teacher has any students that get it, or are they all just perpetually doing the devotional thing, having the one person up on a pedestal.

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