Older sisters and long hair- now a no-no?

by Sadie5 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    Ran into a JW yesterday who didn't mind talking to me. She is 50+ and wears her hair long, about to the middle of her back. She said she's been told by the brothers to cut her hair, that women her age should have short hair styles. Is this just a local thing? Or is this something like the beard issue for men? Any thoughts?


  • gumby

    That sister should have told the idiot bastard to get screwed.

    No....there is no longhaired rule with older sisters.....rather....it was his assnine biggoted opinion that his wife probably influenced him to say to her.


  • blondie

    No rule I ever heard of, even in other religions, Sadie 5.

    In fact, if hair lengths for women were proscribed, it is more likely that "long" hair would be required. Notice how the WTS had to adjust witness thinking in the 50's.

    w51 2/15 p. 127 Questions from Readers

    What is the understanding today of the command to women not to cut their hair??F. A., Tennessee.

    Respecting the cutting of women?s hair, referred to in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, this does not refer to cutting it to shorten it for convenience? sake but still leaving a feminine touch to it, but cutting it short like a man?s so as to resemble a man and thereby remove this natural God-given sign of woman?s subjection to man and of the church?s subjection to Christ her head.

  • Valis


  • Confucious

    This Sh!t is crazy.

    I'm telling you, the longer I'm out, the more unblievable that I ever put up with this stuff.

  • codeblue

    omg........what next?

    There are no rules on long hair...as long as you look good, you can wear your hair at any length at any age...

    What we have here is somebody trying to "control" somebody else....and it is none of their business.

    That's one of the reasons I don't miss the meetings....too many busybodies there!

  • wednesday

    that is right, this is probably a local elders wife who feels she should"act her age" (maybe she is jealous of her, i had a sis behave like that toward me once-she was so jealous)and likes to run others peoples lives. many younger ones think that if u are around 50 + u are no longer attractive and must cut your hair and behave properly.. BS. my cousin still wears her hair like she i did in the 70's, long and straight. i've even had hairdressers say the same thing-young hairdressers, i guess when u get to 50 u are dog meat and can't wear long hair like the young ladies.

    Actually a lot of religions encourge women to keep their hair long, the elder may have thought she looked like a pentacostal, which are well known here in the south for wearing long hair and no make up. generally speaking, the WTS has encourged women to wear their hair as to still appear female and not adpot the extremely short styles, that are like mens.

    this sis should say"screw u" and wear her hair anyway she wants.

  • FlyingHighNow
    it was his assnine biggoted opinion that his wife probably influenced him to say to her.


    I've had that happen. When I was 24 an elder's wife told my exhusband that I needed to throw away the blouse I was wearing. (We were at a get together). She told him that some of the young brothers might be looking down my shirt and that is was inappropriate.

    (maybe she is jealous of her, i had a sis behave like that toward me once-she was so jealous)and likes to run others peoples lives.

    Wow, you must have been in the same congregation as my older sister.

    I'm 45 and my hair is past my waist. I'd wear it in a pixie if I could but Andy likes it long, thinks long hair is sexy at any age.

    Someone told me once that brothers don't wear, ridiculous things I've ever heard. The sister who told me this mentioned some Awake! where a brother being mugged was asked for his jewelry. The brother told him that JW men don't wear jewelry.

    Yeah, that hair edict sounds scripturally based. I think I shall go cut my hair right now, myself. I won't even wait for the hairdresser. I'm a sinner and I don't wanna be. Off with the hair.


  • Odrade

    I've heard this from five different congregations. But, it's NOT a new policy. It's some sisters who decide they are the fashion police, teach there elder control-freak husbands that this is IMPORTANT (haha), then they go around bullying these older sisters with long hair into displaying "appropriate" grooming.

    Bah! I knew an old German sister who had hair down to her waist. In twenty years I only saw it down one time. All the rest of the time she had it up in one of those old-style rolls that go all around the head. Her hair was white and it was beautiful.

    Cranky old busybodies...


  • stillajwexelder

    No rules - It is a culture thing - I have heard three elders say things like " When a women is young they look good and sexy with long hair - but as they get older, -they look better with shorter hair". I happen to agree - but it is PERSONAL choice, and none of anybody else's business what length of hair a woman chooses to have

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